Wife nailed it......


Power with Control
So, got a welding helmet so I can teach myself how to weld. Got it out of the package, adjusted strap, put it on my head and flipped it down with a nod of my head. Kachunck, my vision is now a small viewport..... And as I draw a breath to speak, wife says.... "No, you are not Iron Man"........

Larry Gude

Strung Out
So, got a welding helmet so I can teach myself how to weld. Got it out of the package, adjusted strap, put it on my head and flipped it down with a nod of my head. Kachunck, my vision is now a small viewport..... And as I draw a breath to speak, wife says.... "No, you are not Iron Man"........

Anyone who learns to weld is cooler by a factor of at least 3 or 4. :buddies: