Will Arrington be back?


Set Trippin
I am kind of hoping whatever problems he had earlier in the year are gone. Theisman said on Saturday night that he had talked to L.A. and he said that he wants to be a Skin next year.

If Arrington didn't play Saturday we would be watching Tampa play Chicago next weekend...

10 tackles and a pick...

*********************On another note...

Taylor was investigated last year for spitting in someone elses face, but no evidence was found to support that claim...


Nothing to see here
mainman said:
I am kind of hoping whatever problems he had earlier in the year are gone. Theisman said on Saturday night that he had talked to L.A. and he said that he wants to be a Skin next year.

If Arrington didn't play Saturday we would be watching Tampa play Chicago next weekend...

10 tackles and a pick...

*********************On another note...

Taylor was investigated last year for spitting in someone elses face, but no evidence was found to support that claim...

The whole Arrington thing is bizarre. I think the media is as much to blame as anyone. They were going on and on about him not playing earlier in the year, but people that had seen him practice and work out during the early season said he was limping noticably. At least one person at Redskin Park says there isn't a nicer guy out there(knows and speaks to everyone) and he bleeds burgundy and gold.

Even tho I would like to see him stay, I doubt he will be back. He has been injury prone over the past 2 years and he has lost a step. His quickness was his biggest asset and I believe there isn't a way to justify the amount of money due him next year. Him and Ramsey will be traded for players or draft picks hopefully.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I would think that the first thing would be contract re-negotiation, dontcha think?

If he wants to stay he's gotta accept that he is not the 'man'. No one is on Gregg Williams D, especially a guy who jumps offsides in a playoff game, one of only two flaws (thank you Shawn 'The Big Lisp' Taylor) in an otherwise perfect team performance.

Plus, I honestly think he is not going to get any big offers; he's simply not that good.

Two other things;

Is he gonna want to sit down with Snyder after all the argument over his last contract?


You don't ever, EVER talk about the offseason the week of a playoff game on a Joe Gibbs team.

He may BE gone even if he doesn't want to be or he may simply not wanna re-negotiate.

For me, as a fan, LaVarr was about the only attraction for years on an instable, disfunctional team, so, thanks for the memories.

Past that, this is the arctic NFL and you don't fit Williams D.

See you around.


Set Trippin
otter said:
The whole Arrington thing is bizarre. I think the media is as much to blame as anyone. They were going on and on about him not playing earlier in the year, but people that had seen him practice and work out during the early season said he was limping noticably. At least one person at Redskin Park says there isn't a nicer guy out there(knows and speaks to everyone) and he bleeds burgundy and gold.

Even tho I would like to see him stay, I doubt he will be back. He has been injury prone over the past 2 years and he has lost a step. His quickness was his biggest asset and I believe there isn't a way to justify the amount of money due him next year. Him and Ramsey will be traded for players or draft picks hopefully.
Speaking of Ramsey, what are we going to do about a quarterback? We will be lucky if MB makes it through the playoffs, much less another whole season. Will we ever draft a kid and let him come into his own or will we continue as we always have to waste picks on kids and never give them the opportunity to mature into worthy quarterbacks. Let's keep picking up guys that are on the way out... :jimhart:


Well-Known Member
I'm not a Skins fan but I do like Joe Gibbs and wish him well. That being said, I think the public embarrassment over the contract issue will cause Danny Synder to cut LA loose. I think he has a pretty big roster bonus due as well and they can get rid off him before that. I dont think there will be contract negotiations. I think both he and Patrick will be gone. Of course, I am frequently wrong...


My Sweetest Boy
I didn't know he was married.

Arrington, whose wife is expected to give birth to a baby girl in the next week, was grateful for the opportunity to play in the postseason.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Everybody ready?

otter said:
Mr Gude has the floor.... :coffee:

...here we go...

What if we...




Mark Brunell!

I mean, why not? Unless he retires, Gibbs is gonna start him next year anyway. He's got us this far, yes? We're likely to beat Seattle and from there, who knows? How do you NOT, as Pete said, dance with the one that brung yah??????????????

For all you who may suspect me of sarcasm, answer me this; What possible case could there be made to put someone ahead of him 6 months from now?
Frankly, he'll know the system that much better. He's not suffered much in the way of injuries so he'll be about the same guy physically. Say we add a legit #2 reciever. We'll be starting with a line and RB that proved themselves this year. Williams will be back so you can bank on the D being as good.

If what we've got to here, to this point, is good enough, how does that change between now and training camp?

Answer: It doesn't.

If he's not a weak link in do or die time, we keep winning, he sure ain't gonna be when we start fresh in September.

I'm serious. This is a democratic process. Joe Gibbs has one vote and I don't. What possible reason could he give for Mark not being his guy again?


Larry Gude said:
? We're likely to beat Seattle and from there, who knows? How do you NOT, as Pete said, dance with the one that brung yah??????????????

What possible reason could he give for Mark not being his guy again?
All those nasty letters and post cards you sent Gibbs about Brunell? :shrug:


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
I'm serious. This is a democratic process. Joe Gibbs has one vote and I don't. What possible reason could he give for Mark not being his guy again?

Hasn't Gibbs already proven that he's not averse to yanking a guy after he was given the reins?? My feeling is that Ramsey will be gone and there will be a competition for QB between Campbell and Brunell. Brunell will be the starter going into camp and we'll see what happens from there. Gibbs has to see the benefit of having the young guy starting and if problems occur, bringing Brunell off the bench. The coaches have to realize how lucky they've been with Brunell staying relatively healthy thru this season. Brunell is a good doobee who has to see that he is on the downside of his career and, with the money being what it is, will see his career go for another couple years or three. This year has wore him down, I think everyone saw that after 7 or 8 games, he just didn't have the same energy level on the field.

Really hard to guess at all this, who's to say Brunell doesn't get hurt this week in Seattle and Ramsey comes in, he finally 'gets' it and lights up the scoreboard. We'll all be of a different opinion next week, and you would be in 7th heaven with I told ya so's.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Pete said:
All those nasty letters and post cards you sent Gibbs about Brunell? :shrug:

...I can't ever see taking it that far: :looneybin:

I get all the venting I need around here because y'all are nice enough to put up with my incessant (sp?) harping about it.

Why, now that my apnea has been addressed, I may never tire of #####ing about it!


Larry Gude said:
...I can't ever see taking it that far: :looneybin:

I get all the venting I need around here because y'all are nice enough to put up with my incessant (sp?) harping about it.

Why, now that my apnea has been addressed, I may never tire of #####ing about it!
Whada ya say? I wasn't paying attention.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Hasn't Gibbs already proven that he's not averse to yanking a guy after he was given the reins??

No. To me, he picked Brunell, we was gonna go with Brunell, no matter what. He did not nor was he going to give Pat the same chance as Mark.

Brunell will be the starter going into camp and we'll see what happens from there. Gibbs has to see the benefit of having the young guy starting and if problems occur, bringing Brunell off the bench.

You're right and that's been my point all year about Pat. Maybe Jason gets a fair shake this fall because Joe picked him? But that's the way to go.

The coaches have to realize how lucky they've been with Brunell staying relatively healthy thru this season

Lucky? I am amazed and pleased as punch that this team has not even let out a peep about Brunell. It is phenominal on a team that takes it's #1 star, Lavarr, and sits his ass stone cold rookie on the bench for not playing his best every second in PRACTICE to not even question or grumble just a bit about the performance of the one guy who most affects the outcome of games, the QB.

How many coaches and players you suppose wished and prayed that Mark would get hurt because they KNEW that the one guy beyond reproach was Brunell as long as he could stand? He has put up goose egg games that NONE of us have ever seen a Gibbs quarterback get away with.

He has made bone head plays, constantly, running with the football like a loaf of bread, ill advised throws, fumbles in the red zone, things that would have gotten Jay or Rip or Joe or Doug SHOT at half time, over and over again. He gave the games to the Chiefs, Seattle and last week the Bucs with that late INT.

Gave it to 'em. Lucky? I think part of the deal is that as a coach or teammate you are 100% loyal to Joe and that's it AND that's the way it should be. I get to do the #####in for them.

and you would be in 7th heaven with I told ya so's.

I promise you this; No I won't be. You can't expect a guy to come off the bench and get it done in the playoffs. Look at Kitna, a solid pro. He got lost in 15 minutes. Maybe get a good 1/2 or MAYBE even one game but this game is far to complex these days. I can't take any credit for any miracles Pat may perform because that's all it would be; a miracle.

The time WAS the first four or five whole games, not the first 16 minutes. That would have proven Pat in or out AND left us with a solid old vet ready to go.

Joe has played this Mark or bust all year and not even given Pat crumbs.
Remember the 9er game? Why in the name of Clint Longley didn't he give Pat the entire second 1/2???? How about the 4th quarter against Dallas? Hell, he brought him in at NY so late he should have given the ball to Cambell. He doesn't even let the kid hold on kicks.

Nope. Joe has NOT lifted a finger to allow for Mark getting hurt. He, Joe, is out to prove he was right about Mark and that's all there has been to it all year and it's been mystifying to me for Joe to be so out of character.


Football addict
mainman said:
I am kind of hoping whatever problems he had earlier in the year are gone. Theisman said on Saturday night that he had talked to L.A. and he said that he wants to be a Skin next year.

If Arrington didn't play Saturday we would be watching Tampa play Chicago next weekend...

10 tackles and a pick...

*********************On another note...

Taylor was investigated last year for spitting in someone elses face, but no evidence was found to support that claim...
Lavar on Sports Talk 980 at 4 p.m.
You can listen live with the following link. I will try to recap for those who can't listen.


AM 980
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New Member
They Were Saying Saturday During The Game The La Will Be Back Next Year. Money Is Not The Question It Was If He Was Well Enough To Play. I Think That He Will Be Back.as For Mark He Has Done A Good Job This Year.not Great But Good. Yes Some Bone Head Plays But Over All On A Scale Of 1-10 I Gave Him A 7. Just Lets All Support La And Mark Through The Playoffs And Lets See What Happens In The Off Season.


New Member
Personally, I'd like to see Arrington head back to Pittsburgh!

Cowher could certainly put him to good use and definitely not as a bench warmer as Gibbs did for the majority of this season. Way to go Joe, :popcorn: take your best defensive player. not to mention team leader and sit him on the bench. :killingme


New Member
Red Karma

To the loser that leaves me neg karma without signing.... wimp. If you want to take something up with me, respond to the post.... wussy.

"Lavar blew his starting spot early in theyear but being out of posistion 90% of the time because he thinks he is bigger than the team, get a clue Cletus."

Oh and by the way, learn to spell and I think there's a space between "the" and "year"....

As far as benching Arrington for what you say. Typical Gibbs move here. Gibbs flip flops players more than a Democrat flip-floppin' in Congress. Anyone ever keep track of how many QB's have gone through Gibbs and how many of them flip-flopped back and forth from being a starter to bench warmer?

Not saying he is a bad coach, just one that can't stick to a decision.
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