Will Kerry withdraw?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Heisted from Drudge:

The Kerry campaign calls on a publisher to 'withdraw book' written by group of veterans, claiming veterans are lying about Kerry's service in Vietnam and operating as a front organization for Bush. Kerry campaign has told Salon.com that the publisher of UNFIT FOR COMMAND is 'retailing a hoax'... 'No publisher should want to be selling books with proven falsehoods in them,' Kerry campaign spokesman Chad Clanton tells the online mag... Developing...

This is getting desperate.

I'm sure Sen. Kerry was just OUTRAGED about Farenheit 9/11.

Must be tough when people are actively trying to prove you did wrong as oppossed to saying 'my opinion is based on facts...kind of"

More support for free speech from your Democratic Party.


Asperger's Poster Child
There are much better methods of election control than premature withdrawal.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
As I say...

...what's better for the Democrats, for him to withdraw or lose in a landslide?

This nation is due a debate on the issues facing us all. For one candidate to disqualify himself by dragging us all back over 30 years, BY CAMPAING DESIGN, is astonishing.

Of course there is those 20 years left of Ted "Wanna Fly Now" Kennedy we can talk about...


UFB, that these hypocritical goons can hand wring and cry about critics. Where was Kerry's outrage when democratic groups, McKaullif included made such a huge deal about Bushes Guard records, Fatback Moores movie, Whoopie Goldberg and the rest of the hoo haa gang of dispicable wreches who haranged Bush? Did Bush, Rove or the RNC claim Kerry was using outside groups to attack? Did Pay Leighy call for Kerry to condemn the acts?

Kerry is running out his military career as his focal point and has to be a babbling idiot if he did not expect it to be picked apart. Perhaps this is a shining example of how he will deal with congress, the UN, and foriegn countries if elected. If things don't go his way we will boo hoo and cry, throwing a fit like a 2 year old yanked away from the candy counter at SFW.

When is the GOP going to stop being Daisies and go after his DO NOTHING congressional career? His abismal voting record? They need to stop PT-footing around with this clown before it is too late. He is cardboard, shallow, and without character. Expose him for what he is, a grandstanding lilly who wilts at the slightest pressure.

All he has done is say W has to go, stoke the fuel to the old liberal "The rich are evil, business is evil" game, and promise a bunch more spending, while cutting taxes on the middle and raising them on the wealthy.


Asperger's Poster Child
Larry, I'm convinced that every Presidential election for the next 15 years will be a rehash of 2004, because the baby boom generation remains bitterly divided over Vietnam and the '60s in general.

In 1992, columnist David Broder listened to the Marilyn Quayle speech at the GOP convention and predicted that the boomers will still be fighting the culture war from their nursing-home rocking chairs. (Broder is from the WW2 generation.)

Me, I'm looking forward to when we Generation Xers are Presidents and Senators. And I hope to hell that we aren't as divided as our parents' generation.


and another thing.....

I cannot believe the American public taking this goober seriously when he himself is avoiding 20 years in the Senate sleeping at his desk with drool running down his face, and instead running on 4 months in Vietnam.

Say for instance, everything from Nam is absolutly true. He swung the boat around, while firing an M-60 with one hand while fishing the Army dude out of the water with the other while throwing grenades with his feet. BIG FREAKING DEAL.

Has he ever been in Democratic leadership? Has he ever been the Majority leader, Minority leader, WHIP, President pro Tempre, Chairman of a big standing comittee? (and I am not talking about the Senate Select Comittee on chicken wings) He has done nothing but didge controversey and remain SAFE. Has he ever crossed party lines and voted against Dems out of principal? Has he ever made a statement he hasn't leter recanted?

WHAT EXACTLY HAS HE DONE? Besides toss his medals / ribbons over a fence and LIE to congress as a peace advocate.


Nothing to see here



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what Kerry does - he will still get around half of the popular vote. He can stand naked on Times Square and do the Macarena - and half the population will still vote for him. He could be dead - and half the population will still vote for him.

Anyone who tries to pretend that they support Kerry because they think he'll be a good President is full of it. They support him because he's got that "D" after his name and people are too lazy and ignorant to really find out, let alone CARE, about the issues that affect this country.

The D candidate will get approximately half the popular vote, whether it's John Kerry, Howard Dean, or some homeless guy they nabbed from a DC park.

What's going to make the difference is turnout, and it will only be a difference of 2-3%. That's my prediction.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
At the end of the day, it doesn't really matter what Kerry does - he will still get around half of the popular vote. He can stand naked on Times Square and do the Macarena - and half the population will still vote for him. He could be dead - and half the population will still vote for him.

Anyone who tries to pretend that they support Kerry because they think he'll be a good President is full of it. They support him because he's got that "D" after his name and people are too lazy and ignorant to really find out, let alone CARE, about the issues that affect this country.

The D candidate will get approximately half the popular vote, whether it's John Kerry, Howard Dean, or some homeless guy they nabbed from a DC park.

What's going to make the difference is turnout, and it will only be a difference of 2-3%. That's my prediction.

I think it will be more more of a difference. I think there are a bunch of "D's" who are disgusted by his smarminess and will secretly cross over and vote for W.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If the issues ever come around...

...Kerry is in even worse shape.

Raise taxes in a soft economy?

Show more deference to our erstwhile allies in regards to national security yet act unilaterally to try to protect jobs (tarriffs)?

Energy might be a big area for Kerry?


Nothing to see here
Re: If the issues ever come around...

Issues??? Most(and it's not alot) of what I have seen from Kerry is smoke and mirrors, like most politicians he says alot without saying a thing. Seems he just prefers to carp and Monday morning quarterback at Dubyas record without offering any solutions. He doesn't want to offer much because then his Senate record would be brought under a microscope.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...that is CRITICAL what you're saying because it lays bare the mans thoughts and actions...not 30 some odd years ago in a jungle, but for the last 20 years in the United States Senate.

Otter, that's biggest point of the whole thing, the 'why' of the decision to make Viet Nam bigger than his Senate work.

He doesn't want to offer much because then his Senate record would be brought under a microscope.