Will Palin get helped by the opposition attacks?


No Use for Donk Twits
Sarah Palin has had a wild ride since becoming John McCain’s running mate. Having governed in Alaska, the Palins haven’t experienced the national spotlight, and the opposition attacks must seem daunting — and in some cases, insane. But rather than making Americans uncomfortable with Sarah Palin, Charles Mahtesian at Politico believes it might allow Americans to identify more closely with Palin than any of the other candidates:
Fishing permit violations. A blue-collar husband who racked up a DUI citation as a 22-year-old. An unmarried teenage daughter who is pregnant and a nasty child custody battle involving a family member.

All of this, to one degree or another, has surfaced in recent days as a result of efforts to discredit or undermine Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. But these revelations may have the opposite effect: In one sense, they could reinforce how remarkably unremarkable she is.

So far — and it is hard to tell what the future may hold for Palin’s unexpected national candidacy — the travails of the Palin family probably seem awfully familiar to many average Americans. It is this averageness that makes her such a politically promising running mate for John McCain — and such a dangerous opponent for Democrats. Many voters will find it easy to identify with her family’s struggles — a significant advantage in an election where the voting calculus is so unusually and intensely personal.
People relate to Palin with or without these non-issues. Who can’t relate to a “hockey mom” who went to a state university and worked her way up from the bottom of the political structure, while balancing family needs? Most people know at least a few women just like her; most people have at least one Sarah Palin in their family. In contrast, not too many have a POW war hero or a Harvard Law School graduate in their circle of acquaintance.

Will Palin get helped by the opposition attacks?

I guess since nonno, forestool and ice brain are the democrat intellectual giants on the forums, we're blessed.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yes, but not because people will see her as more "real". It will be because sane voters will not want to be associated with Obama's attack dogs and the vitriol of the Left.

And mark my words, Obama will pay for this, even though he himself has been decent about the whole thing. I feel sort of sorry for him.


New Member
Yep the more Democrats try to sink her the more attached American is becoming to her and her family..........


No Use for Donk Twits
Yep the more Democrats try to sink her the more attached American is becoming to her and her family..........

If the attacks were about her policies, her decisions, etc. instead of the tabloid style rumors against her and her family, the Democrats might have stood a chance. Now they've made a martyr of her.

St. Sara withstands the evil attacks, protecting her family.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If the attacks were about her policies, her decisions, etc. instead of the tabloid style rumors against her and her family, the Democrats might have stood a chance. Now they've made a martyr of her.

St. Sara withstands the evil attacks, protecting her family.

That's exactly right.

I'm not real big on McCain for President, but I'm really looking forward to VP Palin. :yay: And even more, I can't wait for the meltdown at Kos, HuffPo and DU!



Supper's Ready
Not being much of a political opiner, I have to agree that the cumulative effect of these "stories" (if not fabrications, e.g. "I am Alaskan") will favor the GoP in this election.

I'm already tired of reading about the "news" (if one can call it that). It's like the next story I read, I'm looking for the counter story, and there it is. If I were somewhere in between parties on issues, I'd probably lean right partly because of it alone. If I were a democrat, I'd be ashamed of this.


New Member
Obama is paying for the liberal left, he had to defend himself again a VP pick on the experience issue.

Thats a real bummer King Obama......


Highlander's MPD
Yep the more Democrats try to sink her the more attached American is becoming to her and her family..........

It's so obvious that the lefty dems are worried. Otherwise they wouldn't spend so much time digging up all kinds of stupid crap on Palin. She is so very "American" and is one of the best. If McCain is elected and doesn't live another 4 years, I would be excited about her being President. She is a wonderful person! She is very popular as the Governor of Alaska for a reason. Let's give her the other 49 states. Let's say she ran for Prez in 2012 against Hillary, who would you vote for? The Beauty or the Beast?