Will Palin Meet the Press? Not Really.


Habari Na Mijeldi
The Washington Independent » Will Palin Meet the Press? Not Really.

PHILADELPHIA — Now that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is in the national spotlight, speculation about how she will hold up to the intense media scrutiny is rampant. On an otherwise lazy holiday weekend, a slew of revelations about Sen. John McCain’s running mate surfaced, suggesting the McCain campaign’s self-styled intensive vetting process may not have been so stringent after all. Politico’s Michael Calderone examines Palin’s relationship with the Alaskan media for indications of how she will perform on the national stage:

The McCain campaign is clearly uncomfortable allowing even the presumed GOP nominee — a seasoned politician who built his career and his reputation by “straight talk” with the press — to face the media. They’re probably not too keen on putting Palin out there, without a net, in front of reporters eager to test her qualifications for the nation’s second highest office. One fumbled answer to a hardball question on, say, foreign policy — which, by the way, any other vice presidential candidate would be expected to answer — could prove devastating when played over and over on cable news channels, let alone a series of them. I expect Palin’s role in the campaign will be to appear at rallies, mostly in battleground states, and to interact with the press as little as possible — just like her running mate.