Will "Pickens Plan" break our dependence on oil?

Will Pickens Plan work? http://www.pickensplan.com

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I bowl overhand
No, the US has an oil based econamy. I do not see this changing.

I think his question was worded incorrectly.. I don't think the intent is to totally break us of oil dependence, but to get us to a point where we no longer have to import oil. Watching his commercials he doesn't seem to be concerned with us using oil, but getting the majority of our oil from somewhere else, making us 'best friends' and giving all of our wealth to people that don't even like us.

And our economy is NOT based on any single commodity, not oil, not gold, not titanium.

That being said, nothing is going to happen overnight. It will take years if not decades to improve where we are now, but if we don't start NOW it will never get better, and continue to get worse.

I think the dumbest thing I ever heard a President say was .. "It won't make a difference for anther ten years..." Well, things have a way of taking a LONG time to make a difference, and if you are only thinking about next year, or the next decade, or the next election 3 years away, you are of no value to this country and shouldn't be in office.


the History Channel has this "Green" show, :rolleyes:, that has some good info about Alt Energy.

a common thread is ...

Wind Mills covering S Dakota would produce, XXX MW of power to replace or reduce coal fired plants ... or power the entire grid

Solar Panals Covering the Size of S Dakota (probably in Nv) could power the US for XXX, or replace Power Grid as it is now ...

why are we not building Coal Plants with more advanced Soot Scrubbers / CO2 collectors ... I hear somewhere, a company is pumping CO2 back down in dry Nat Gas Wells ....

Covering NV Desert with Solar Panels .... Collectors that super heat mineral oil to convert water to steam to run Power Plants ....

(part of the show had this guy who's father had bought Navy Surplus Turbines for DD's in WW II, that were never used, stored carefully, and were finally being put into service in power plants, on Geo Thermal Sites)

and cover windy areas, N & S Dakota, Off Shore with windmills


I bowl overhand
the History Channel has this "Green" show, :rolleyes:, that has some good info about Alt Energy.

a common thread is ...

Wind Mills covering S Dakota would produce, XXX MW of power to replace or reduce coal fired plants ... or power the entire grid

Solar Panals Covering the Size of S Dakota (probably in Nv) could power the US for XXX, or replace Power Grid as it is now ...

why are we not building Coal Plants with more advanced Soot Scrubbers / CO2 collectors ... I hear somewhere, a company is pumping CO2 back down in dry Nat Gas Wells ....

Covering NV Desert with Solar Panels .... Collectors that super heat mineral oil to convert water to steam to run Power Plants ....

(part of the show had this guy who's father had bought Navy Surplus Turbines for DD's in WW II, that were never used, stored carefully, and were finally being put into service in power plants, on Geo Thermal Sites)

and cover windy areas, N & S Dakota, Off Shore with windmills

I'd rather have one nuke plant then one million wind mills or 10,000 acres of solar collectors.


Main Streeter
If this plan will get us on the way to ridding ourselves of all imported oil, it's worth it. We could say F U to OPEC and watch them go under. Of course, the Chinese will probably replace any demand that we eliminate.


The nuke plants or the solar reflectors, or the windmills?

Nuke Plants ........ build a doz under the Nevada Desert ........

like the ex military base in movie The Island ... :whistle:

with only the cooling towers above ground

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If the question...

...is "Will Pickens plan work?" the answer is, obviously, yes. Of course it will work.

If the question is "Is his plan, or something similar going to go into effect relatively soon?" the answer is maybe.

The 'green' movement is in motion and it's going to be awfully tough to stop it or slow it down now. Once people buy into a fad, like man made global warming, chia pets and Rubix cubes, it takes on a power all it's own and business gears up to meet the demand.

As we take these steps towards converting transportation to natural gas, batteries and other ideas and make good progress the price of oil will crash and then the government will be taxing it and subsidizing it's competitor products.

Pickens wind farm will work. It's priced right in terms of what it costs to open a new fossil plant and it should be able to produce the juice. Distribution is the larger question, the cost of huge trunks to carry the electricity far away.


New Member
It will work but

It will work but certain people I'm not saying no name (the little man who resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC -- the cartoon character) doesn't want it to happen. He is an oil man. When Reagan was in office gas was not too much over $1 a gallon. When daddy Bush was in office gas rose to a then record high of over $2 a gallon. When Clinton was in office gas was under $.90 a gallon and even lower in some parts of the country. With this cartoon character that is now serving gas is over $4 a gallon -- over $8 a gallon in some parts of the country. Why would he want Picken's plan to go thru -- so he (the cartoon character) and his oil buddies stop getting richer and richer. He will do everything he can to stop it. He won't be able to stop it. Pickens plan is the best idea I've heard of when it comes to energy independance and getting away from oil. If you haven't heard his full plan - not just the tv ad check it out. His plan will even be better if some changes were made to it. His plan is a good start. We need to do it. We can't drill our way out of this situation.


Well-Known Member
It will work but certain people I'm not saying no name (the little man who resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC -- the cartoon character) doesn't want it to happen. He is an oil man. .

What a colossal load of crap. Do you have the slightest idea who Pickens is?

We can't drill our way out of this situation..

I think I'm about to shoot my brains out if I hear this regurgitated phrase one more time. As much as the left likes to depict the right as dumb, this is just the left being a hand puppet with the press's hand jammed up your ass.

We also can't conserve our way out of this.
We can't HOPE our way out of this.

Can you walk and chew gum at the same time? Who's to say we can't lower our dependence on FOREIGN oil as a short term means of freeing up resources to develop an alternate energy plan? If we could provide cheap oil for the short term, that's billions that could be diverted to a Pickens like plan.

When we didn't drill in ANWR, we kept hearing "we won't get any for years anyway". Well it's been years, and we still aren't going to get that oil AT ALL.

But for some reason, when some guy says we can do it with wind, solar etc and we can do it in ten years, somehow THAT is a reasonable span of time.

Hypocrisy much?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And there is...

Who's to say we can't lower our dependence on FOREIGN oil as a short term means of freeing up resources to develop an alternate energy plan? If we could provide cheap oil for the short term, that's billions that could be diverted to a Pickens like plan.

...the problem; If we actually start reducing oil consumption the price will CRASH, big time, and we will HAVE to impose tariffs and other non market sanctions in order to provide the money to keep seeking alternatives and THAT, in and of itself, subsidy, is not how good, effective solutions are found. They are found via market forces which takes us right back to oil again; there is NO shortage of oil. Prices right now are artificial because of non market limits on drilling, pumping and refining in addition to non consumer driven market speculation.

That's why the best solution to the oil 'crisis' is to burn it up until it is actually starting to run out, therefore there will be no need to prop up (thus hindering) effective, market based alternatives.

This is a huge issue involving many nations and their national interests and their well being. They are not going to just sit around and watch their economies collapse just because a bunch of elites around the world buy into or simply like the idea of, pseudo science, hysteria and feel good legislation.

The primary effort Pickens is actually engaged in, the windmill farm, makes actual, real world, real market based sense; if his numbers are correct, he can build the windmills and produce electricity at about the cost of new 'fossil' generation plants.

The rest, the natural gas cars, notice he isn't actually investing in that; it makes no market sense.


New Member
I know who he is -- an oilman who saw the light. You said your gonna shoot your brains out if you hear this regurgitated phrase one more time -- do you need a gun and a bullet? LOL. LMAO. They dont need to drill off shore -- they need to drill on the lands they have already which they arent drilling to the max.


Well-Known Member
I know who he is -- an oilman who saw the light. You said your gonna shoot your brains out if you hear this regurgitated phrase one more time -- do you need a gun and a bullet? LOL. LMAO. They dont need to drill off shore -- they need to drill on the lands they have already which they arent drilling to the max.
Can you tell them what lands those are, because no one but you apparently knows.

Land leases does not mean there's oil under them.


Football addict
Anyone ever think that without a certain commodity (oil) complete parts of the world would go into utter chaos?

I wonder if that is a driving force in the U.S. buying the small amount of oil from the Middle East. Sure it's not peaceful throughout the Middle-East but imagine would it would be.:eyebrow:


New Member
Anyone ever think that without a certain commodity (oil) complete parts of the world would go into utter chaos?

I wonder if that is a driving force in the U.S. buying the small amount of oil from the Middle East. Sure it's not peaceful throughout the Middle-East but imagine would it would be.:eyebrow:

im hoping once all the oil is out of the ground it will all turn into quick sand and suck it all under.