Will Power & Weight Loss



Kind of a interesting thought here....

Willpower and Weight Loss

How many times have you heard someone say - "If only I had the willpower to lose weight?
How many times have you said it, yourself? Quite a lot, I expect.

Poor old willpower! It always gets the blame.

  • Why do we fall into temptation? Because we lack willpower
  • Why can't we stick to a diet? Because we lack willpower.
  • Why do we eat a whole cake in one sitting? Because we lack willpower.

We see willpower as a magical quality. If someone has it, they're invincible - if they don't have it, they're done for.

What's more, we can't really develop willpower, can we? No way! Either we have it, or we don't. And we DON'T have it, right? And so life goes on. We continue trying to lose weight but we never succeed, because in our heart of hearts we KNOW we don't have the willpower to do it. And each failure reinforces our feeling of helplessness.

Does this sound like you? Do you suffer from lack of willpower?
If so, let me give you some help.

1. Say Goodbye to the word WILLPOWER.
2. Say Hello to the word INCENTIVE.

You see, we think of willpower as something we either have or we don't. Like a big nose, a gift for music, or a sense of humor. So we feel helpless to develop any for ourselves. We just sit on our butt and say: "Help! I don't have any willpower"...(sob).

In other words, focusing on willpower gives us a sore butt and precious little else.

But INCENTIVES are different. We don't inherit incentives. We find and develop them for ourselves. In fact, we can develop an incentive for almost anything, including dieting.

So stop thinking WILLPOWER and start thinking INCENTIVE.

Remember, losing weight isn't a matter of gritting your teeth and overcoming 168 different pain barriers.

It's about choosing to be slim, rather than fat.
It's about choosing a slim lifestyle, rather than a burger and fries lifestyle.

After all, you don't HAVE to be slim. You can be any shape or size you want. So stop worrying about lack of willpower and concentrate on finding a good incentive to lose weight. Something positive to aim for, that will keep you going in the weeks ahead.

And if you can't find a good incentive, then maybe you don't really want to be slim. Maybe you'd rather eat cookies. In which case, stop worrying about dieting and find happiness elsewhere.


New Member
:yeahthat: What a great outlook! You've got it right! Chosing a healthy lifestyle is just that - a choice! People try all sorts of ways to cheat their way to a slim body.........but the thing is - you are not healthy! Taking diet pills, drinking shakes, etc., is taking the easy way out. To truly lead a healthy lifestyle you must choose to live that way - every day, for the rest of your life.

I have been reading these threads for a while and I just want to say - when chosing a diet or exercise plan - the best thing you can do is ask yourself this question..."CAN I DO THIS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE?" That means asking if you want to take pills, drink shakes, etc, forever? I found that if you ask yourself that question, it can put things into perspective.


New Member
gigi6 said:

I have been reading these threads for a while and I just want to say - when chosing a diet or exercise plan - the best thing you can do is ask yourself this question..."CAN I DO THIS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE?" That means asking if you want to take pills, drink shakes, etc, forever? I found that if you ask yourself that question, it can put things into perspective.



I bowl overhand
Katie said:
Kind of a interesting thought here....

Willpower and Weight Loss

How many times have you heard someone say - "If only I had the willpower to lose weight?
How many times have you said it, yourself? Quite a lot, I expect.

Poor old willpower! It always gets the blame.

  • Why do we fall into temptation? Because we lack willpower
  • Why can't we stick to a diet? Because we lack willpower.
  • Why do we eat a whole cake in one sitting? Because we lack willpower.

We see willpower as a magical quality. If someone has it, they're invincible - if they don't have it, they're done for.

What's more, we can't really develop willpower, can we? No way! Either we have it, or we don't. And we DON'T have it, right? And so life goes on. We continue trying to lose weight but we never succeed, because in our heart of hearts we KNOW we don't have the willpower to do it. And each failure reinforces our feeling of helplessness.

Does this sound like you? Do you suffer from lack of willpower?
If so, let me give you some help.

1. Say Goodbye to the word WILLPOWER.
2. Say Hello to the word INCENTIVE.

You see, we think of willpower as something we either have or we don't. Like a big nose, a gift for music, or a sense of humor. So we feel helpless to develop any for ourselves. We just sit on our butt and say: "Help! I don't have any willpower"...(sob).

In other words, focusing on willpower gives us a sore butt and precious little else.

But INCENTIVES are different. We don't inherit incentives. We find and develop them for ourselves. In fact, we can develop an incentive for almost anything, including dieting.

So stop thinking WILLPOWER and start thinking INCENTIVE.

Remember, losing weight isn't a matter of gritting your teeth and overcoming 168 different pain barriers.

It's about choosing to be slim, rather than fat.
It's about choosing a slim lifestyle, rather than a burger and fries lifestyle.

After all, you don't HAVE to be slim. You can be any shape or size you want. So stop worrying about lack of willpower and concentrate on finding a good incentive to lose weight. Something positive to aim for, that will keep you going in the weeks ahead.

And if you can't find a good incentive, then maybe you don't really want to be slim. Maybe you'd rather eat cookies. In which case, stop worrying about dieting and find happiness elsewhere.

Here's another take form a MALE.. why lose weight.. i grant you, some women and men DO need to lose weight, but do you have any idea how many Gorgeous women I meet that insist they NEED, the HAVE to lose weight.. it's disgusting.. They have fantastic bodies, they are BEAUTIFUL, but since they don't have a little boys body they HAVE to lose weight.. find someone that likes/loves you the way you are and be happy... enjoy life.. eat a banana split and ENJOY It don't feel guilty about something that should be ENJOYED!!


I bowl overhand
and to continue.. why buy into SOMEBODY elses idea of perfection!?? I bet 9 out 10 of you in here trying to lose weight and complaining about being heavy are beautiful women just the way you are..

and I'm not above a woman buying me lunch or dinner either!!


itsbob said:
and to continue.. why buy into SOMEBODY elses idea of perfection!?? I bet 9 out 10 of you in here trying to lose weight and complaining about being heavy are beautiful women just the way you are..

and I'm not above a woman buying me lunch or dinner either!!

Because I ride my bike, and don't need to pull the excess weight when I ride. When climbing up a big hill, pedaling the extra weight up can be a REAL hassle.


New Member
Women are beautiful big or small . Alot of women want to loose weight for health reasons.There are alot of risk factors for someone overweight, but the same for someone under weight. 10% underweight is cause for more concern then 20% overweight. You have magazines , and movies , damn even barbie has been "skinny", it's put in your head from childhood that "skinny" is beautiful. When Actually beauty comes from with in. No matter why your trying to loose weight, it doesn't work unless your doing it for you. Good Luck to those that Are, and for the men that post, we need more like you in the world today.