Win7 Help getting rid of corrupt file


New Member
Looking for an assist, accidentally transferred a corrupt file to my new machine, cannot figure out how to delete/remove.

Old machine XP, new Win7.

Attempts to delete folder results in:
Could not find this item
This is no longer located in C:\users\username\desktop. Verify the item’s location and try again.

When I open the folder, no files are visible in it, however when I click on properties of the folder, it tells me that the folder contains two files with a total size of 84 kb.

Also properties shows in attributes, says the folder is read only. When attempting to remove the read only setting, error message stating:

Error Applying Attributes
An error occurred applying attributes to the file:
The system cannot find the file specified.

My skill level with technology is user, can follow directions, can do the basics.

Forums talk about downloading programs to clean registry. 1, may be above my skill level, and afraid of the malware that would come along with free program.

If anyone thinks they can help, I sure would appreciate! If not, guess I’ll have to find a better hiding place for the folder so I don’t get annoyed every time I look at it.



PREMO Member

will flag the file for removal on the next restart - when the system most likely does not have a lock on the file

it is Magical :whistle:


Well-Known Member
Try booting up in safe mode, log in as an admin, and see if you can delete it that way.


New Member

No luck with safe mode, same response from system.

Will that Moveonboot install/uninstall cleanly? Ready to give it a shot....


New Member
Moveonboot - No joy.

Could not remove the Read-only attribute fro the following file: C:\Documents and Settings\username\desktop\My Documents\Please Delete\CA40894J. If the Read-only attribute is not removed, the file will not be deleted on the next Windows boot.

Anyone else have an idea?


I'll have to admit I have never seen the 'corrupt file' scenario you describe. Have you run a disk check to make sure there are not other file system problems?

Have you also run a full malware scan with something like Malware Bytes (from safe mode)?

If that fails, the other suggestions here are valid. An ubuntu live cd will do the trick.


PREMO Member
I have seen malware / Viruses put a 'system' lock on a file that cannot be removed ...

you cannot take ownership ... change any of the properties

a Linux LIVE CD usually will do the trick