DNR Winning Artwork Chosen for 2022-2023 Migratory Game Bird Stamp Design


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Depiction of Snow Geese Wins Annual Contest

Illustration of snow geese above a cornfield

Towson resident Jim Taylor’s illustration will adorn the 2022-23 Maryland Migratory Game Bird Stamp.

Towson resident Jim Taylor won this year’s 48th annual Migratory Game Bird Stamp Design Contest held by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Judges chose Taylor’s depiction of snow geese flying over a cornfield to be featured on the stamps hunters purchase to hunt all migratory game birds in the state.

“It is an honor to participate in and win the contest with my snow goose submission,” Taylor said. “This is my fifth time winning and they are all special.

The new stamps will be available for purchase in 2022. Proceeds from the stamps’ sale fund migratory game bird research and habitat enhancement on public lands.

“Congratulations to our winner and all participants. It was a great collection of entries representing many species of waterfowl and our first winning submission of snow geese,” Wildlife and Heritage Service Director Paul Peditto said. “We appreciate and thank all of the artists who participated this year.”