wireless home phone


I did away with my home phone landline, added it to my verizon wireless bill as a wireless phone, you need a booster and can get that from verizon, when I did my switch the booster was free, don't know about now. It is now a wireless phone and is only $20.00 extra a month on the bill, got to keep the same phone number. Love it, cheaper than verizon landline per month also. You may want to check it out if you ahve verizon wireless.


New Member
I use Google Voice which is free and this;

Amazon.com: OBi100 VoIP Telephone Adapter and Voice Service Bridge: Electronics

Obi100 is connected to my router. The unit plugs into a wall jack and feeds the entire house. Only issue you have is to ensure you go outside and disconnect the incoming lines from the Verizon Phone Trunk. Otherwise, if Verizon tests the line it will back-feed the ringer voltage into the Obi and fry it. Call quality is excellent, caller ID, etc. Works great even with our fax machine. In addition I also have a second number using Magik Jack...Also works great and have used it in Italy and had local calls from it.


New Member
I use Google Voice which is free and this;

Amazon.com: OBi100 VoIP Telephone Adapter and Voice Service Bridge: Electronics

Obi100 is connected to my router. The unit plugs into a wall jack and feeds the entire house. Only issue you have is to ensure you go outside and disconnect the incoming lines from the Verizon Phone Trunk. Otherwise, if Verizon tests the line it will back-feed the ringer voltage into the Obi and fry it. Call quality is excellent, caller ID, etc. Works great even with our fax machine. In addition I also have a second number using Magik Jack...Also works great and have used it in Italy and had local calls from it.

Do you need internet service to use this?