I have a wireless laptop that picks up a signal from the antenna that is hooked up too my main pc. However, every time the phone rings in my home, the laptop disconnects from the Internet connection. My pc does not lose connection at all.
Any ideas ?
How funny! 3 responses with the same answers...
Its a wireless home phone . So i just need to buy a new phone that is not 2.4 ?
Its a wireless home phone . So i just need to buy a new phone that is not 2.4 ?
Its a wireless home phone . So i just need to buy a new phone that is not 2.4 ?
Yes .. Comcast conenction that goes from wall into the modem.
This may sound dumb .. but what do people in apartment complexes do when a neighbors phone rings ? It disconnect other's laptops ? That would suck !
This may sound dumb .. but what do people in apartment complexes do when a neighbors phone rings ? It disconnect other's laptops ? That would suck !