'withholding the existence of...documents from the minority.'


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Nothing says the Dems have to share. But precedent (fortunately, rare) is that sharing takes place (to at least some extent).

This decision "not to share" seems rather desperate; a real high-risk gambit. I guess the Dems' hope is to frame the narrative in time so as not to hurt in 2020. Maybe their plan will work out for them, but for me even if it does it seems rather short-sighted. Almost as if they're not considering "branches & sequels" (a bit frightening to consider, but maybe the Dems don't care?).

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Well-Known Member
Um....just what is "Also slam 'highly irregular manner' of impeachment investigation. "

Only two Presidents in the 240+ year history of this country have been impeached. (Nixon resigned). Neither were convicted.

So this is just more R whinning.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Um....just what is "Also slam 'highly irregular manner' of impeachment investigation. "
Perhaps that the Dems are A/B testing as opposed to conducting an actual impeachment inquiry...?

The A/B testing is discussed by York here:

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