Second, NOW’s post should, undoubtedly, be the metaphorical nail in the coffin for the contemporary hyperbolic hysteria associated with the words “white supremacy” and “patriarchy.” Much like claiming that men can become women, these phrases are also delusional works of the corrupted lexicology of the 21st century. Objecting to men competing as
women has nothing to do with race. However, being that accusations of racism have been the “bread and butter” of left-wing political discourse for decades, whoever crafted this post for NOW was just repeating this toxic (and baseless) behavior.
Fortunately, we now seem to live in an era where most people know that anytime the words “white supremacy” are used, it is nothing more than performative
politics, fake outrage, hyperbolic hysteria, and, most importantly, not valid. And, if I had to guess, using those nonsensical words was probably one of the main reasons the post was deleted by the decision-makers on NOW’s social media team.
It’s indicative of just how fanatical the supporters of the transgender movement have become. Forget the typical radical left-wing insults of implying racism or, calling something a left-wing organization disagrees with as “white supremacist,” or whining like petulant
children about the “patriarchy.” This was a group that, for decades, supposedly fought for and prioritized the rights of women — real women — in society. Yet, in 2024, they have clearly become corrupted by the transgender movement and brainwashed into abandoning the very principles for which the organization exists.