Wolf Blitzer...


Well-Known Member
has been one of the biggest race baiters and Bush bashers in this entire incident. On Saturday and Sunday, time after time after time, Blitzer was at the forefront of those asking questions about the racial component of this disaster. Then on Monday Blitzer started to fixate on Bush ordering flags to be lowered to half-staff for the victims of Katrina. So...now we're going to have a new national custom that flags be lowered to half-staff every time someone dies in a natural disaster? Oh, you say, it's because so many died? OK, fine. What's the number then? At what number do you order the flags flown at half-staff? The tradition has been to lower flags to half-staff when some luminary dies, someone who has made an important difference in our culture. Now we're going to have recriminations every time someone dies and the flags don't come down.

(National - AP) September 4, 2005 - Flags on all public buildings, military facilities, and embassies will be flown at half-staff until September 20th.



The Smart Hooker
Actually they weren't just ordered half-staff for the victims of Katrina, but for Judge Rehnquist too.