Woman assaulted by Rottweiler owner


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PREMO Member
A 74-year-old woman who suffered a broken arm and black eye after trying to protect her small dog from a Rottweiler – and was then attacked by its owner – says she never expected anyone to "sock" her.

Cecilia Cunningham was walking Scooter, her Shih Tzu, when the Rottweiler charged them. As she was trying to shield her dog from the larger animal and shoo him away, the owner attacked her.

Construction worker Lee Lindeburg, who witnessed the attack, couldn't believe it either.

"He hits her from behind at a full run, she hits the ground," he said. "Like, the ground rushed up at her and she couldn't stop it. And he starts kicking her, kicking her, you know, a defenseless person right on the ground, yelling at her, 'How do you like it? He's a nice dog!'"

Forget the dog, beware of owner :twitch:


New Member
happyappygirl said:
Gotta watch us Rottie owners...
you know they say a fellow is like the dog he choses...:lmao:

I hear all rottie owners are nuts. Not a brain cell in their head. Nuts I tell ya nuts.