Woman gets tazed twice!


You're all F'in Mad...
That has got to be one of the funniest Tazer videos I've ever seen. There's another good one from the TV show Cops, where Mr Tough Guy becomes Mr Screaming Like a Baby. Great video! I hope that officer gets a promotion!

Love the Tazer. As you can see, that tool puts the suspect right into line!


Well-Known Member
Oz said:
That has got to be one of the funniest Tazer videos I've ever seen. There's another good one from the TV show Cops, where Mr Tough Guy becomes Mr Screaming Like a Baby. Great video! I hope that officer gets a promotion!

Love the Tazer. As you can see, that tool puts the suspect right into line!
That guy had a couple of more brain cells than this woman did. He got the message, once is enough.


Sharon said:
She's a hard-headed loonie. :lmao:

I think that after the fifth, "Get out of the car or I will taze you", I think I would have complied.

I find it very hard to work up sympathy for someone who's that effing stupid.

Dippy betch.


New Member
Toxick said:
I think that after the fifth, "Get out of the car or I will taze you", I think I would have complied. I find it very hard to work up sympathy for someone who's that effing stupid. Dippy betch.
He asks me nicely ONE time and I'm out asking him what I can do for him next!!!

A tazer channel would be AWESOME!! :lmao:
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CageKicker Extraordinaire
Oz said:
I wish they had a Tazer channel on DirecTV. I could watch that all day long. :cheers:

So could I. What I like the most was how she was screaming even after they quit. 50,000 volts can't hurt that much afterwards. Hell, even automotive and boat coil packs don't hurt that much while you're getting hit.


Well-Known Member
Chain729 said:
So could I. What I like the most was how she was screaming even after they quit. 50,000 volts can't hurt that much afterwards. Hell, even automotive and boat coil packs don't hurt that much while you're getting hit.
Imagine holding onto a live plug wire for 5 seconds. 5 seconds is a very long time under those circumstances.


New Member
willie said:
Imagine holding onto a live plug wire for 5 seconds. 5 seconds is a very long time under those circumstances.
:yeahthat: As an electrician who's been "hit" a few times just with good ole 120 volts, trust me, you DO NOT wanna get hit with 50,000 for any period of time. I saw a kid get hung up on 277 volts once. The blood curdling screams were horrible. :sad:

But man what a great show "TASERS" would make!! :lmao:

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Mikeinsmd said:
:yeahthat: As an electrician who's been "hit" a few times just with good ole 120 volts, trust me, you DO NOT wanna get hit with 50,000 for any period of time. I saw a kid get hung up on 277 volts once. The blood curdling screams were horrible. :sad:

But man what a great show "TASERS" would make!! :lmao:
Yeah, there ain't nothing like doing the 60hz shuffle.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Mikeinsmd said:
:yeahthat: As an electrician who's been "hit" a few times just with good ole 120 volts, trust me, you DO NOT wanna get hit with 50,000 for any period of time. I saw a kid get hung up on 277 volts once. The blood curdling screams were horrible. :sad:

But man what a great show "TASERS" would make!! :lmao:

Then you should know the amps mean more than the volts. Yes, I have held plugs. Yes, I've held the wrench grounding plugs (no insulation on the handle). And yes, I've been hit with house current. NONE of it hurt afterwards and, with exception to 120, kinda felt good during.

The house was an accident (it was the only one that threw me on the ground), the others were intentional. We needed to know if we getting spark and pain doesn't bother me. Coil packs don't have enough amps to hurt that much, and I highly doubt the tazer does either.


Poker Shark
My dad is a popo in Florida. They all have to be tased BEFORE they are allowed to carry them. So if a 63 year old man can deal with it, then I think a 22 year old woman can too! I am sure it hurt like he!! but isn't that the point?!?

I worked in a junk yard when I was younger and the big practical joke was to hook a wire to the coil pack, then run it to the driver's seat so when you turned the key you got a nice blast of electricity in your rear end...stung, but was laughable (only after the first time) :ohwell: .


Well-Known Member
nawty1 said:
Woman gets tazed by police

Wow....great actress! Maybe next time she will listen to Johnny Law!
Is this for real? Or an act? I couldn't tell from the site.

I do know that if a Calvert County cop - the a**holes who gave me the only two speeding tickets in my life (for doing 65 in a 55 zone) AND the only safety belt ticket I've ever even HEARD of anyone receiving - told me that after pulling me over for speeding that I had to get out of my car or they'd taze me - I would tell them - F*** YOU - I know my rights - there is no reason for me to get out of my car for driving ten miles over the limit - and if you taze me even once I will sue you and make sure you spend your next few nights with Bubba - preferably one you arrested.

I respect the work cops do, and I usually treat them with respect, even when I think they're unfair - but I've had family members beaten by cops for no damned reason - repeatedly, because they lived in a small town and they had nutcase authority whack jobs for cops. I saw these guys wrestle and manhandle a kid to the ground - with dogs - on his PROM DATE, because he left the restaurant to get his wallet - and was on his way BACK. I've met cops who *hate* the slightest form of resistance or backtalk, because they're high on their authority.

On the other hand, if some crazed Nazi cop had tazed me once, I'd comply - because I have to live long enough to make *sure* his azz is in lock-up next to Bubba.


New Member
SamSpade said:
- told me that after pulling me over for speeding that I had to get out of my car or they'd taze me - I would tell them - F*** YOU - I know my rights - there is no reason for me to get out of my car for driving ten miles over the limit - and if you taze me even once I will sue you and make sure you spend your next few nights with Bubba - preferably one you arrested. On the other hand, if some crazed Nazi cop had tazed me once, I'd comply - because I have to live long enough to make *sure* his azz is in lock-up next to Bubba.
You have to watch the entire thing Sam. Her license came back as "Suspended", that's why he asked her to get out of the car. She should have complied immediately. Would have saved herself a lot of agony.