Woman Goes Viral With Bizarre Rant About Screaming At Man In Parking Lot


PREMO Member
“So this guy, I’m alone, with my son, by myself, a woman, and a male approached me in a parking lot, he said, ‘excuse me miss,’ and I don’t know … it went fine and I wanna tell you why it went fine,” she said.

Mitchell went on to say, “He was probably 30 feet from me.”

“It scared me, I’m literally shaking,” she continued.

“I don’t know why the hell he was approaching me or what he was trying to do,” Mitchell said.

“I turned around and I literally yelled at him, and I said, ‘DO NOT approach me’ and he, like, immediately started going in the other direction, and I just kept saying it over and over and over, I said ‘DO NOT approach me,'” she said.

Social media immediately erupted, with critics taking aim at Mitchell’s hyper-overreaction.

Just last week after taking my mom shopping in Wal-Mart, I got mom and the bags of stuff in the car, got in, seat belted, put it in drive and just before pulling out from the spot noticed a woman walking in zig-zag format through the cars of the next row. Thinking she lost her car I smiled and waved her through indicating I was waiting for her to pass before I would pull out. She immediately bee-lined for me shouting, "Hey, can I have some money for tampons?!?!" I immediately said, "No." She came up to the window still begging for cash. I gave her a stare that practically cut her in two and shouted, "NO". She took a step back. I left.

Back to the subject of this article. Regardless of if she is an overachiever of craze or not, I see nothing wrong with her verbalizing a wall to stop a man from crossing her comfort zone. It really does not matter whether his intent was virtuous or not. Once he is upon her is too late.

There are WAY too many parking lot lizards about to assume a stranger's intent is good. Soon we will need to be arming ourself with cans of wasp spray to keep them at a 20-foot distance. Ace Hardware in Ridge would be the best place to stock up!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
9 times out of 10 that guy would be a predator trying to attack her or at least scam her with the old "can you give me gas money" ruse. I don't blame her for going off. The people busting on her are retarded.


Well-Known Member
All women need to come with this warning, get near, lights and sirens go off.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I had this happen to me a few weeks ago. Strange guy gives me the "Hey, how you doing"? routine. Next thing I say is I'm not giving you any money. Because I don't want to interact with a rando for any longer than necessary.

FWIW, every time some stranger gets chummy with me in a public place, there is a plea for money at the end of his tale of woe. I guess that direct, personal approach catches a lot of people off guard, so they toss them a few bucks hoping that they will go away.
The absolute MOST obvious thing about all of this is her ability to garner all of this attention and I'm pretty sure she is making bank from all the hits.