Woman President in 4 years


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Will it be Hillary or Palin?

Dems must be takin the big dump right now.

Well, if Obama wins, Hillary is out. Of course I think Obama has a snowball's chance in a very warm place of getting elected. That would leave Palin only if McCain chooses not to run in 2012.

Hillary could run against McCain in 2012. Might make it, but not likely. I don't think she would even win the primary, but who knows with Democrats.

Palin is young enough to run in 2016. Hillary would be a hard sell in 2016.


New Member
Dems have drunk the stupid water again, Hillary offered herself, Obama threw her under the bus.

anyone see a pattern emerging?


New Member
Well, if Obama wins, Hillary is out. Of course I think Obama has a snowball's chance in a very warm place of getting elected. That would leave Palin only if McCain chooses not to run in 2012.

Hillary could run against McCain in 2012. Might make it, but not likely. I don't think she would even win the primary, but who knows with Democrats.

Palin is young enough to run in 2016. Hillary would be a hard sell in 2016.

Fist I dont think McCain will run for a 2nd term, that would leave it open to Palin who would be a shoo-in if she does a good job. If McCain wins Obama will be in the catbird seat in 2012, I doubt Hillary could beat him then either, for the same reasons he beat her this time, plus then he will have absorbed some experience.


New Member
Will it be Hillary or Palin?

Dems must be takin the big dump right now.

Nope they are digging in the dump , hoping to find some dirt on Palin.

So far its a rumor that her last child is really her daughters and some #### and bull story about her trying to get her sister's husband fired,

They will be working all night cybering and hunting, then the Dirty tricks boys will be invading Alaska digging dirt from every fruitcake Democrat up there.
All the while attacking this woman , trying to destroy her personnally and attacking her family, while crying about Obama being picked on because of a novelty three dollar bill.


New Member
Nope they are digging in the dump , hoping to find some dirt on Palin.

So far its a rumor that her last child is really her daughters and some #### and bull story about her trying to get her sister's husband fired,

They will be working all night cybering and hunting, then the Dirty tricks boys will be invading Alaska digging dirt from every fruitcake Democrat up there.
All the while attacking this woman , trying to destroy her personnally and attacking her family, while crying about Obama being picked on because of a novelty three dollar bill.

so pretty much what every politician does to every other politician hehe