Woman shoots her unborn child, goes on about her life.


"Typical White Person"

Seriously effed up.

Tammy Skinner, the Suffolk woman who admitted to shooting herself in the stomach to kill her unborn child, was back in court today, but not for long.

She walked out a free woman as a judge dismissed the indictment against her.

"I'm just glad it's over so I can move on with my life," Skinner said after the court hearing.

Suffolk Circuit Court Judge Westbrook J. Parker said the laws on the book do not apply to expectant mothers, and made the decision to drop the case.

But he, the prosecutors, and defense attorneys all agree that the facts of the case are disturbing.

But, they could not prosecute Skinner.

According to a report by our partners at the Daily Press, prosecutors wanted to put to the test a 1950 state law that would for the first time hold a mother criminally liable for aborting her child.

They planned to argue that the law states that "any person" who causes an abortion should be considered culpable.

But Judge Parker noted that a 2004 law specifically excludes mothers and refers to "any person ... who kills the fetus of another. ..." Lawmakers enacted the 2004 law because they didn't want to punish a pregnant woman as harshly as someone who aborts someone else's fetus.

A District Court judge has already dismissed the charges in May, citing the same legal language. But determined prosecutors took the case to a grand jury and Skinner was re-indicted in Circuit Court in June.

The 22 year-old Skinner was scheduled to give birth to her third daughter on Feb. 23, the day of the shooting. She called 9-1-1 from a downtown parking lot and told the dispatcher that someone shot her. Police later learned she had shot herself.

She was initially charged with illegally inducing an abortion, filing a false police report and using a firearm in the commission of a felony.


It is a sad effing world we live in that would let someone who did something like this, just walk around free and in no trouble at all. I thought there were laws against late term abortion. She was supposed to give birth THAT same day. This was a full term baby :bawl: POS


What a sad commentary on the value of Human Life....

forever jewel

Green Eyed Lady
I wish the news would broadcast some kind of good news. Stories, like this, make me wonder about the freaks we exist with...