Woman sues dating service for bad dates


Nothing to see here
She adds: "I asked to meet a rugged, well-built man, and they sent me on a date with a marathon runner. He was a lovely man but you just wouldn't put us together - he was so skinny and didn't know the first thing about crabbing or handling a boat trailer.

:popcorn: :tap:


"I've been introduced to eight people and they've all been completely unsuitable."

She adds: "I asked to meet a rugged, well-built man, and they sent me on a date with a marathon runner. He was a lovely man but you just wouldn't put us together - he was so skinny.

No wonder there are so many lonely people.

He was "lovely" but too skinny?

Cry me a river while I laugh my ass off.

I wonder how she would fare here on somd.com...free..and as much bang as she wants for no bucks. (The therapist's bill for being "postally" abused not withstanding)


New Member
She wants a 'Bad Boy'... tattoos, Harley, buff, don't take no s--- attitude, a real 'rocker'. He must have a good job and be 'moving up' in the world. Excellent hygiene, good manners, loves children and motivated to having a deeply emotional fully committed relationship. Oh yea, in touch with his 'feminine side too'.
That's all, she's not picky.


Her Personal Ad:

SWF: Seeking male, six foot two, chiseled jaw, great hair, perfect body, great skin, cannonball ass, super-macho, 11 pound crotch-hammer, humongous trust fund, loves to stay home, buying bon-bons, cleaning and vacuuming, and enjoys movies like Thelma & Louise. Must love catering to my every whim, and have an irresistable craving for the taste of squanani, and eschew reciprocation. Must like cats. Lots and lots of cats.

I guess it's not too much to ask, is it?