Woman 'takes two husbands'


Lawful neutral

Two Kenyan men have signed an agreement to "marry" the same woman, reports say.

The woman had been having affairs with both men for more than four years and apparently refused to choose between them.

The agreement sets out a rota for Sylvester Mwendwa and Elijah Kimani to stay in her house and states they will both help raise any children she bears.

Community policing officer Adhalah Abdulrahman persuaded the two men to marry the woman after he saw them fighting over her, it reports.

"We have agreed that from today we will not threaten or have jealous feelings because of our wife, who says she's not ready to let go of any of us," the agreement says, Kenya's NTV station reports.

"Each one will respect the day set aside for him. We agree to love each other and live peacefully. No-one has forced us to make this agreement," it adds.


Registered User
For real. Picking up after 2 men would be exhausting. :coffee:

Giiiirrrrrrlfriend! You are doing it wrong! They are suppose to pick up after you.
But..for this to work you must do a few things first.
1. Explicitly state that you detest cleaning from day One and if they ever come home to a spotless house they better start thinking on what they did wrong and fix it ASAP.
(I do my best cleaning when I am pissed off.)
2. Have lots of sex.
3. Cook a lot.
4. Wash clothes. (folding and drying are optional. lmao)
5. Keep the kitchen clean...i.e. make kids clean kitchen after dinner.
6. Do ALL the shopping...without any help or company (it's called quiet time)
7. Vacuum every now and then.

Some how everything always seems to find it's place around here.

(My husband use to be an anal neat freak, now he is Mr. Picker-upper. I am a living cyclone. poor poor man)
Giiiirrrrrrlfriend! You are doing it wrong! They are suppose to pick up after you.
But..for this to work you must do a few things first.
1. Explicitly state that you detest cleaning from day One and if they ever come home to a spotless house they better start thinking on what they did wrong and fix it ASAP.
(I do my best cleaning when I am pissed off.)
2. Have lots of sex.
3. Cook a lot.
4. Wash clothes. (folding and drying are optional. lmao)
5. Keep the kitchen clean...i.e. make kids clean kitchen after dinner.
6. Do ALL the shopping...without any help or company (it's called quiet time)
7. Vacuum every now and then.

Some how everything always seems to find it's place around here.

(My husband use to be an anal neat freak, now he is Mr. Picker-upper. I am a living cyclone. poor poor man)


You must vacuum every day to cut down on the risk of a spider INVASION. :cds:

All counters must be bleached every day...



Registered User

You must vacuum every day to cut down on the risk of a spider INVASION. :cds:

All counters must be bleached every day...


LMAO I don't have carpet in my house. It's all wood floors. I have an area rug in my living room. And yes, counter tops are bleached. I am organized chaos, but I am sanitary.
(I wear gloves when handling dinner meat...germs freak me out)


Registered User
Didn't know that was possible

Me either, until I met him. While he was on det I cleaned his apartment top to bottom, hung pictures on the walls, put pictures up that his kids grew to make it look like a home. The first thing that man did when he got home was go around and redo everything I did. :doh:

He is a neat freak, I'm a germ freak. Between the two of us, the house is orderly and sanitized. lol


Well-Known Member
Me either, until I met him. While he was on det I cleaned his apartment top to bottom, hung pictures on the walls, put pictures up that his kids grew to make it look like a home. The first thing that man did when he got home was go around and redo everything I did. :doh:

He is a neat freak, I'm a germ freak. Between the two of us, the house is orderly and sanitized. lol
