Woman watched NASCAR with dead man for a year


Lawful neutral
Woman watched NASCAR with deceased man for over a year | From The Marbles - Yahoo! Sports

Many of us like watching races in the company of other NASCAR fans, but Linda Chase of Jackson, Mich., might have taken that just a bit too far.

For the past 10 years, she lived together with Charles Zigler. And when Zigler passed away, they continued to live and watch NASCAR together for approximately 18 months until authorities found Zigler's body on Friday.

We'll let the Jackson Citizen Patriot take it from here:

Zigler, known as Charlie, died naturally, Linda Chase said. "He just fell asleep." She kept him in his chair after he died, keeping him dressed and cleaned. His body did not stink, she said. She would talk to him and watch NASCAR races on television with him.

Jackson officials believe that Zigler, who would have been 67 or 68, died around Christmas of 2010. That was 18 months ago. When Zigler's family members went to check on him after not hearing from him for a while, they went to the police, who found Zigler's body in his chair.


Surely you jest ...
To each his/her own I guess. Football maybe, but NASCAR ? I think I would have given in and had him picked up. Not worth the extra cleaning chores.



Keep Calm and Don't Care!
Some Races will do that ! :whistle: Like ALL SHORT TRACK RACES :killingme:killingme:killingme

Yeah, it's the short track races that are boring.

Because all those races this year have been barn burners. :yay:

Oh, that's right, Bristol and Martinsville are the only two races that have been worth a flying #### this year.