Women Are Disproportionately Hurting Our Country


PREMO Member
However, it should be obvious that at least two generations of parents -- especially among the well-educated -- did not teach many of their daughters to control their emotions and think rationally.

The result is that women are disproportionately active in doing damage to our society.

The most obvious example is education. American schools teach less and indoctrinate more than ever before. Big-city public (and most private) schools are damaging young Americans to an extent and in ways no one imagined just a few years ago. Young children are prematurely sexualized -- they are, for example, exposed to "Drag Queen Story Hour" in class and in local libraries from the age of 5. These feature a man dressed as a woman reading and dancing for them.

And who is facilitating all of this? In virtually every case, a woman. Ninety-two percent of kindergarten teachers are women, 75% of all teachers are women and 85% of librarians are women.



Beloved Misanthrope
Theres a very good reason Librarian should remain a womans job.



Well-Known Member
Well lets look this over.
We do have a problem with some women like the fake Indian Warren, and the senile women Pelosi and AOC, but we also have Greene and Boebert. Then we have these dipshts Nadler and Schitt.

The we have alleged feminists and militant lesbians who want to murder the unborn and spread hate among real women while ignoring men who pose as women to compete with women. They rant over and over about equality for women, but they ignore the plight of Muslim women.

Actually the problem is not with women but with liberal women and men.


Well-Known Member
Wrong. The most obvious example is the 19th Amendment. Women should have never been allowed to vote.
What a misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic POS you keep showing the world that you are...
I'm ashamed to call you human, you spineless jellyfish...


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="HemiHauler, post: 6424231, member: 85560
Women should have never been allowed to vote.

What you really meant to say.