Women Can Go Blind Watching Porn


Lawful neutral
XXX-cited ladies may go blind  - NY Daily News

The new sex study shows that watching hard-core erotic films reduces blood flow to the visual cortex of healthy, heterosexual women, blurring their eyesight.

Dr. Gert Holstege, a uroneurologist for the University of Groningen Medical Centre in the Netherlands, said the results suggest that when watching naughty flicks, a sexual arousal takes precedence over anxiety in a women’s eyes.

A dozen research participants, all on hormonal birth control, were showed three movies: a documentary on Caribbean marine life, a soft-core porn flick and a hard-core one.

Using PET scans to peek inside the women’s brains, researchers noted a drop in blood flow to the visual cortex when the participants were watching the hard-core movies, Holstege said.


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PREMO Member
So is that like "He was a three at 10 PM, but a ten at 3 AM" sort of thingy?:wench:


In My Opinion
Thats because of that whole "men think 3 inches is a foot " thing.
The women end up squinting to see the film all the way through.


In My Opinion
So.... in men, we know where that diverted blood is going. Where is it going on a woman? :confused:

From observation I would guess her ass?

and, I suspect it never returns to where it came from?

because, over time....


I have to run now.