Women Have Higher IQs Than Men, Says Science


Lawful neutral
Women Have Higher IQs Than Men, Says Science | Secrets to Your Success - Yahoo! Shine

Who is smarter, girls or boys? It's a perennial battle of the sexes that rages in schoolyards and over dinner tables across the nation. According new research by James Flynn, a world-renowned expert on IQ testing, the answer is that women are starting to edge out their male counterparts in the brains department.

Flynn examined data from western European countries, the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Argentina and Estonia and found that for the first time in a century of testing, women are scoring higher than men on IQ examinations. Until recently, women's scores lagged behind men's by as much as five percent leading some scientists to claim that men were inherently more intelligent than women. Over the decades, men's and women's scores have both improved, but women's have surged more dramatically. "The full effect of modernity on women is only just emerging," Flynn told the Sunday Times of London.


Well-Known Member
Women Have Higher IQs Than Men, Says Science | Secrets to Your Success - Yahoo! Shine

Who is smarter, girls or boys? It's a perennial battle of the sexes that rages in schoolyards and over dinner tables across the nation. According new research by James Flynn, a world-renowned expert on IQ testing, the answer is that women are starting to edge out their male counterparts in the brains department.

Flynn examined data from western European countries, the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Argentina and Estonia and found that for the first time in a century of testing, women are scoring higher than men on IQ examinations. Until recently, women's scores lagged behind men's by as much as five percent leading some scientists to claim that men were inherently more intelligent than women. Over the decades, men's and women's scores have both improved, but women's have surged more dramatically. "The full effect of modernity on women is only just emerging," Flynn told the Sunday Times of London.

What is dangerous about smart people is that some have no common sense.
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Well-Known Member
:smack: I do too.

I said some, so you must feel guilty of this infraction. :whistle: OK, then answer this, why do some smart people ride in the left lane barely doing the speed limit, why do some smart people bring 20 items to express check out when the sign clearly says 15 items, why do some smart people walk up to the next person in the self checkout line while you are clearly standing in the middle waiting for either side to get done first, why do some smart people when a new check out line opens and the lady says next customer in line, the last person in the long line heads to that register first, and one more why do some smart people put boogies on the stall in the restroom, does this happen in the ladies room too? WTF
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I said some, so you must feel guilty of this infraction. :whistle: OK, then answer this, why do some smart people ride in the left lane barely doing the speed limit, why do some smart people bring 20 items to express check out when the sign clearly says 15 items, why do some smart people walk up to the next person in the self checkout line while you are clearly standing in the middle waiting for either side to get done first, why do some smart people when a new check out line opens and the lady says next customer in line, the last person in the long line heads to that register first. WTF

These are not smart people. These are a.ssholes. :yay:


Well-Known Member
These are not smart people. These are a.ssholes. :yay:

So there is a definite relationship between ass holes and smart people: so we call them smartass. I was curious about the boogie thing, what do women wipe on the bathroom stall walls?


aka Mrs. Giant
I said some, so you must feel guilty of this infraction. :whistle: OK, then answer this, why do some smart people ride in the left lane barely doing the speed limit, why do some smart people bring 20 items to express check out when the sign clearly says 15 items, why do some smart people walk up to the next person in the self checkout line while you are clearly standing in the middle waiting for either side to get done first, why do some smart people when a new check out line opens and the lady says next customer in line, the last person in the long line heads to that register first, and one more why do some smart people put boogies on the stall in the restroom, does this happen in the ladies room too? WTF

Smart people are busy thinking and mundane tasks don't get their full attention.

As for boogies on the stall, women don't do that, so that's why they are smarter.