Women in Japan can Pay to Have a Guy Cuddle them to Sleep


Lawful neutral

Tokyo-based Rose Sheep provides women with attractive men aged between 20 to 30 to keep them company while they sleep, according to RocketNews24. Called “sheep” by the company as a play on “counting sheep,” the men-for-rent will supposedly not have sex with clients, who are mostly working women in their 30s and 40s and older, but will provide cuddling, cooking and general companionship for a fee.

Short “nap” packages with one of the company’s sheep costs 20,000 yen ($163) for every two hours, while “good-night” packages range from 50,000 yen ($407) for six hours to 100,000 yen ($815) for 16-hours of companionship. For those who can’t have enough man, two sheep can be hired for double the fee.


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Donkey Smell
When I was in Japan I saw the most remarkable trick with a stripper and a ping pong ball.