Women need 'dress code' to prevent sex assaults


Lawful neutral
Sun News : Women need 'dress code' to prevent sex assaults: Islamic street preacher

TORONTO -- Canadian laws should be changed to require women to "cover themselves" to prevent sexual assaults, an Islamic street preacher in Toronto says.

Al-Haashim Kamena Atangana, 33, an Islamic convert, called for legal change in response to recent sex attacks at York University.

Atangana is connected with a group called Muslim Support Network and is one of a number of street-corner clerics commonly seen at Yonge and Dundas Sts. in the heart of the city.

In an e-mail to the QMI Agency, Atangana said "the reason ... these sex attacks are continuously happening is because (of) Canadian laws, which give too much freedom to women" when it comes to how they dress.

"You should take your example from the way Muslim women dress," he wrote. "Why does (sic) Muslim women who wear long dress and covers her head aren't targeted for sex attacks?"


this is why the whole 'slut walk' movement cropped up

some Canadian Police Man told some girl she should 'cover up' or wear less revealing clothing - hinting she my end up a rape victim