Women spend three hours re-doing partner's chores


Lawful neutral
Women spend three hours re-doing partner's chores - Telegraph

Doing the laundry, vacuuming and washing up are the main tasks which men fail to complete to their other half's satisfaction, it emerged.

Not rearranging sofa cushions tidily enough, making the bed incorrectly and wiping down kitchen worktops are also where men fall short.

A spokesman for Sainsbury's, which carried out the study among 2,000 women, said: ''Modern day men do more household chores than ever before, and nearly half of all couples now share working and looking after the house together.

''Although it's impossible for women to do everything themselves, they still have high hopes for perfection - and if jobs aren't done to the desired standard by their partner, often many feel they could do better themselves.''


Cleopatra Jones
This is why I need a man that gets the traditional gender rolls... I do most of the stuff inside (minus anything that requires tools) and they do all the stuff outside (minus actually planting my flower beds). I don't want some man donking up my laundry or loading the dishwasher wrong and surely no one wants to see the grass after I cut it. Should be easy peasy. As it stands, I do all the girly stuff and pay men to come do the manly stuff. :yay:


Lawful neutral
I'd make a good wife. I vacuum (She's never even turned it on), cook all meals, do the dishes, mop, mow the lawn, take care of the trash. I am not allowed to do the laundry because I made everything pink once.


Cleopatra Jones
I'd make a good wife. I vacuum (She's never even turned it on), cook all meals, do the dishes, mop, mow the lawn, take care of the trash. I am not allowed to do the laundry because I made everything pink once.

I say that about my youngest son. He's my shadow and loves to help me clean. 7 years old and he can fold a towel correctly.

I have been to known to explain my OCD as such, "I'll stab a mother %%$*^ for folding a towel wrong. Okay, not really, but I'll want to!"


happy to be living
I say that about my youngest son. He's my shadow and loves to help me clean. 7 years old and he can fold a towel correctly.

I have been to known to explain my OCD as such, "I'll stab a mother %%$*^ for folding a towel wrong. Okay, not really, but I'll want to!"

Parents don't do their male or female children any favors by not showing them how to do laundry, scrub the tub, sew a button, iron, cook etc.
I worked with a guy once whose wife did everything and never let the daughters help; even with setting/clearing the table and doing the dishes. I can only imagine how lost these girls were when they went off to college and had to fend for themselves for the 1st time.

Pixie, your son is already proving himself to be good husband material!


Lawful neutral
I say that about my youngest son. He's my shadow and loves to help me clean. 7 years old and he can fold a towel correctly.

I have been to known to explain my OCD as such, "I'll stab a mother %%$*^ for folding a towel wrong. Okay, not really, but I'll want to!"

Backing away from towel slowly....

Sweet 16

I'd make a good wife. I vacuum (She's never even turned it on), cook all meals, do the dishes, mop, mow the lawn, take care of the trash. I am not allowed to do the laundry because I made everything pink once.

LOL will you marry me?! I will do the laundry. Oh wait.....I'm already married. Can I RENT you? :lol:


New Member
I can believe it. I redo stuff, but only when I am on a super cleaning tear. Day to Day most of what hubby has done is good enough, or good enough for now.

I'm not allowed to do his laundry anymore because he was losing too much money on my finders keepers laundry rule. And he's scared to do mine to to my "fancy clothes and underthings"


Dream Stealer
is it really that important to some people? I like a clean and orderly home, but good Lord, if someone is helping me and doing some things and it is less than perfect who cares. this is why so many people don't enjoy being working moms..and I do. Why stress over things like speckles on the carpet or a poorly folded towel? I like to keep things clean and smelling nice (and properly febreezed and oxycleaned:killingme) but I feel no pressure to be perfect. I like to play with my baby in a clean home..but it doesn't have to be sterile.


I'd never redo a chore he did. Mainly because I'd be unconscious from shock, but also because if I told him it was wrong or redid it he'd be less likely to try it again. I'm also grateful for any help and honestly just don't care if it's done my way or not.


Cleopatra Jones
Parents don't do their male or female children any favors by not showing them how to do laundry, scrub the tub, sew a button, iron, cook etc.
I worked with a guy once whose wife did everything and never let the daughters help; even with setting/clearing the table and doing the dishes. I can only imagine how lost these girls were when they went off to college and had to fend for themselves for the 1st time.

Pixie, your son is already proving himself to be good husband material!

We have 2 bathrooms, one off of my bedroom and the other is downstairs and their bathroom. I refuse to clean their toilet at all. Every couple of days one of them has to grab a clorox wipe and wipe it down. I don't pee all over it so I'm not going to clean pee off of it and let's be honest, little boys are disgusting little creatures. They are much better with aim now that I stopped cleaning up after them.


Cleopatra Jones
is it really that important to some people? I like a clean and orderly home, but good Lord, if someone is helping me and doing some things and it is less than perfect who cares. this is why so many people don't enjoy being working moms..and I do. Why stress over things like speckles on the carpet or a poorly folded towel? I like to keep things clean and smelling nice (and properly febreezed and oxycleaned:killingme) but I feel no pressure to be perfect. I like to play with my baby in a clean home..but it doesn't have to be sterile.

I care! :howdy: I like things a certain way and am willing to do it myself so that it's done properly. I don't stress over them at all, I also never have to stress about having company over. My house is not perfect at all, matter of fact there are two baskets of unfolded laundry sitting on my couch right now and there may even be a couple dishes in my sink. We all have preferences and I'd rather do something to my own standard and would rather have a man who feels the same way about man chores; someone who would rather cut the grass correctly in an hour than have me do a crappy job and take 2 hours. IMO it's better time management to do the things you do well and leave the things you don't to someone who excels at those things.


Dream Stealer
I care! :howdy: I like things a certain way and am willing to do it myself so that it's done properly. I don't stress over them at all, I also never have to stress about having company over. My house is not perfect at all, matter of fact there are two baskets of unfolded laundry sitting on my couch right now and there may even be a couple dishes in my sink. We all have preferences and I'd rather do something to my own standard and would rather have a man who feels the same way about man chores; someone who would rather cut the grass correctly in an hour than have me do a crappy job and take 2 hours. IMO it's better time management to do the things you do well and leave the things you don't to someone who excels at those things.

I do not touch the outside :drama: Baby's grandpa feels sorry for me and cuts the grass when it looks rough :killingme that and washing cars is men's work.


Yae warsh wif' wutr
Pixie, how old are your boys again? Can the oldest learn to mow the lawn? I think I started mowing the lawn when I was around 10. :shrug:

I was 8. Ha ha, beat that! It was a riding mower - with a small gear shift that was ALWAYS set to the little rabbit. It was awesome...I had to completely stretch myself out to get the gas pedal all the way down to the metal. :lol:

I help out around the home. My wife gets all bent out of shape when I don't do it HER WAY.....well, she used to anyway :lmao: I think she realized that doing it alone sucks....even if the result isn't perfect....

...but, those lawn mower lines......they HAD to be straight......or I would go over the same spot of grass twice just make the lawn look perfect :shrug:
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no longer CalvertNewbie
I'd never redo a chore he did. Mainly because I'd be unconscious from shock, but also because if I told him it was wrong or redid it he'd be less likely to try it again. I'm also grateful for any help and honestly just don't care if it's done my way or not.

You took the words outta my mouth! And I truly believe that many people (not necessarily just men) intentionally screw stuff up so that their SO never asks them to do the chore again. :lmao: