Women Want Two Hours of Romance Per Day


Lawful neutral
Women Want Two Hours of Romance Per Day- The Heart Beat - MSN Living

According to new research, women want romance in their lives more than anything else. But they do have a time limit for love. Specifically, researchers found that the average woman prefers to spend exactly 106 minutes on romance each day.

Researchers from the University of Bremen and the Georgia Institute of Technology sought to find how the average woman would spend a "perfect day." Romance topped the list.


yea, clear as mud
Women Want Two Hours of Romance Per Day- The Heart Beat - MSN Living

According to new research, women want romance in their lives more than anything else. But they do have a time limit for love. Specifically, researchers found that the average woman prefers to spend exactly 106 minutes on romance each day.

Researchers from the University of Bremen and the Georgia Institute of Technology sought to find how the average woman would spend a "perfect day." Romance topped the list.

Was this research conducted on the planet Earth?:roflmao:


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
So, at some set time during the day, the romance begins, and at 106 minutes it cuts off, finished or not?

Hmmmmm......."Sorry, baby, but your time is up!"
So, at some set time during the day, the romance begins, and at 106 minutes it cuts off, finished or not?

Hmmmmm......."Sorry, baby, but your time is up!"
Sounds like your are confusing romance with foreplay... you must be a guy...:lol:


New Member
Women Want Two Hours of Romance Per Day- The Heart Beat - MSN Living

According to new research, women want romance in their lives more than anything else. But they do have a time limit for love. Specifically, researchers found that the average woman prefers to spend exactly 106 minutes on romance each day.

Researchers from the University of Bremen and the Georgia Institute of Technology sought to find how the average woman would spend a "perfect day." Romance topped the list.

Please pull their grant money.