Word for the Day

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
This actually showed up on my Earthlink start page today... :lol:


chawbacon | CHAW-bay-kun | noun
: bumpkin, hick

Example sentence: "Tad's such a chawbacon," said Cal, "you'll never take the backwoods out of him, no matter how hard you try."


Originally posted by jazz lady
This actually showed up on my Earthlink start page today... :lol:


chawbacon | CHAW-bay-kun | noun
: bumpkin, hick

Example sentence: "Tad's such a chawbacon," said Cal, "you'll never take the backwoods out of him, no matter how hard you try."

Ha... too funny!!!!:) Its like me... you can take the girl out of Ridge... but can't Ridge out of the girl