Working Brush fire in area of Willow's Road


Stop Staring!!!!!
I can't pinpoint exactly where it's at but there is a pretty bad apparent brushfire somewhere back on Willows Rd. I heard them reference the Greens Appartments. Trooper 7 is up trying to figure out how to get the the fire units to the scene as most access routs seem to be nothing more than paths. The Cheif is coordinating getting a dozer back there to clear one of the paths well enough to get the fire apparatus back there. Fire Fighters are out with Chainsaws at the moment trying to clear a path to the scene. Trooper 7 reports fire site was about 100 yards by 100 yards and going and it sounds like it is going to get bigger before they can get it under control. Especially as dry as it is.

The fire Cheif is pretty frustrated. I think they spent all of an hour or so just trying to figure out how to get to it and then called in Trooper 7 to assist as they could not find a way to access the scene.

At this pont I think theye are able to get a couple of brush trucks and jeeps to it but it's a coordination nightmare as the paths are only wide enough for one way traffic and the keep having to swap out brush trucks because of their low water capabilities. The cheif is very aggrivated and literally said "I need to get some 'f**ing' water back here. I can't say I have ever heard cheif 3 cuss before. He must be pretty frustrated.

This is going to be a long night for these folks.

At 02:15 Fireboard is calling more Jeeps and Brush Trucks to Quatman Road out of Calvert county to assist
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New Member
Jeff said:
I can't pinpoint exactly where it's at but there is a pretty bad apparent brushfire somewhere back on Willows Rd. I heard them reference the Greens Appartments. Trooper 7 is up trying to figure out how to get the the fire units to the scene as most access routs seem to be nothing more than paths. The Cheif is coordinating getting a dozer back there to clear one of the paths well enough to get the fire apparatus back there. Fire Fighters are out with Chainsaws at the moment trying to clear a path to the scene. Trooper 7 reports fire site was about 100 yards by 100 yards and going and it sounds like it is going to get bigger before they can get it under control. Especially as dry as it is.

The fire Cheif is pretty frustrated. I think they spent all of an hour or so just trying to figure out how to get to it and then called in Trooper 7 to assist as they could not find a way to access the scene.

At this pont I think theye are able to get a couple of brush trucks and jeeps to it but it's a coordination nightmare as the paths are only wide enough for one way traffic and the keep having to swap out brush trucks because of their low water capabilities. The cheif is very aggrivated and literally said "I need to get some 'f**ing' water back here. I can't say I have ever heard cheif 3 cuss before. He must be pretty frustrated.

This is going to be a long night for these folks.

At 02:15 Fireboard is calling more Jeeps and Brush Trucks to Quatman Road out of Calvert county to assist

Its 235 and they still have water problems.. lots of jeeps but it does not sound like a good water supply down into the site of the fire..
Anyone know if theres any pumpers trucks or takers or water supply 5 there to run lines to refill the brush trucks in the woods


Stop Staring!!!!!
pgtransplant said:
Its 235 and they still have water problems.. lots of jeeps but it does not sound like a good water supply down into the site of the fire..
Anyone know if theres any pumpers trucks or takers or water supply 5 there to run lines to refill the brush trucks in the woods

Listening to them on the scanner here. I did hear a bit ago that some had tapped a pond for a water supply but it sounds as if the water has to be transported to the scene by truck and the only trucks able to get to the scene are Brush Trucks and Jeeps.

Chief 3B advises he needs all the manpower he can get back there. Brush 3 is currently coming back to refill a jeep. Evidently even the brush trucks are limited as to where they can go. The jeeps seem to be the only things that can work all areas of the fire scene. I guess brush 9 is a larger truck as the Chief said he could not even get Brush 9 Back there.
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Jeff said:
Listening to them on the scanner here. I did here a bit ago that some had tapped a pond for a water supply but it sounds as if the water has to be transported to the scene by truck and the only trucks on the scene are Brush Trucks and Jeeps.

Chief 3 advises he needs all the manpower he can get back there. Brush 3 is currently coming back to refill a jeep. Evidently even the brush trucks are limited as to where they can go. The jeeps seem to be the only things that can work all areas of the fire scene.

WOW this is a scary reminder that fires like this do not only occur out west.


Stop Staring!!!!!
vraiblonde said:
So Jeff, what's going on over in Seagull Beach?

I am not familiar with where Seagull Beach is. But they did have Trooper 7 up supporting this fire trying to find access routes to the scene for the fire units. THey ran low on gas about 25 minutes ago and went back to the airport. The scanner has been so busy with the fire I have not heard anything else going on.


Stop Staring!!!!!
Here is the link to the online scanner. I am not sure if it's up or not as I am on Dial up here from work and it would take forever to load it.

Editing here. The online scanner appears to be locked up on the trunk control channel.

Vrai if you see this trying adjusting the squelch knob. If that don't work push "SCAN"
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New Member
they used the bulldozer on seen to cut a direct path to the base of the fire and now are going to cut a fire line all the way around the base of the fire.

I cant get over the fact that there is not a forestry dozer in the county.. the closest one was in Clinton


Blah.. Blah...Blah
You can see it behind Mayfaire Apartments. I originally thought the elementry school was on fire.


Stop Staring!!!!!
pgtransplant said:
they used the bulldozer on seen to cut a direct path to the base of the fire and now are going to cut a fire line all the way around the base of the fire.

I cant get over the fact that there is not a forestry dozer in the county.. the closest one was in Clinton

Too bad they don't have contractors they can call on is situations like this. I know the state hires contractors on an as needed basis to assist with snow removal.

They should have woke up Bubbi Knott. He would have sent them something.

Editing here. Cheif 3B is asking Fireboard to contact J Hills to see about getting another Dozer on site. Fireboard advising they dont have a number for Hill. I guess J Hill's is a Contruction Company.

I feel for these firefighters. All volunteers and going to be working on an all night event and likley have to be at work in the morning.

The just came up with a number for the Trading Post Constructing company and am calling them for another dozer.

03:45 and Chief 3B is getting more and more frustrated. Each fire he is looking at is getting bigger and bigger.

Now it is being reported that the road the dozer cut is alomst unusable as the trucks are chewing it up pretty badly. I am usure if just soft soil or wet.

I think I just heard they have a front end loader on the scene as well.
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Stop Staring!!!!!
04:07 Forestry just called in from Mechanicville enroute with another Dozer.

The Cheif just requested Fireboard call Calvert and request 3 more brush Trucks and/or Jeeps. Advises only single wheeled vehicles. No Dual wheel axled vehicles can make it back to the scene.

Evidently the only dozer on the scene was able to clear a road to the scene as well as clear a firebreak around the perimeter of the fire. Unfortunately the fire keeps jumping the firebreak. At 04:10, from listening to the scanner they are having a very hard time fighting this because of the difficulty in getting gear to the scene. Periodically they seem to gain some control but then the fire blazes back up and jumps the fire break. I can't tell that they are making any headway but it is definately not for lack of effort.

04:15 Jeep 6 broke an axle or driveshaft. Now stuck in the only access road to/from the fire. Other units reports now trees are starting to light off. The feel is that they are losing this.

04:25 Hills just arrived with another Dozer. Offloading it now.

Unfortunately I at work now and have to do the work thing so I won;t be able to post anymore. Maybe someone else can post a few highlights on this event.
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BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I believe Bubby Knott did come in. They are now terminating command. Bubby is going to keep heavy equipment and personnel down there all day to keep an eye on it. I could smell the fire in California this a.m.


Well-Known Member
BS Gal said:
I believe Bubby Knott did come in. They are now terminating command. Bubby is going to keep heavy equipment and personnel down there all day to keep an eye on it. I could smell the fire in California this a.m.

Bubby was there driving his own dozer, workin side by side to help put the fire out.


Well-Known Member
BS Gal said:
I believe Bubby Knott did come in. They are now terminating command. Bubby is going to keep heavy equipment and personnel down there all day to keep an eye on it. I could smell the fire in California this a.m.

I smelled smoke in L.P. this morning when I got in the car to go to work; it never occured to me that it might be a forest fire.

Then again, I don't have too much brain activity at that time of morning.