World’s Oldest Marijuana Stash Found in China


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World's Oldest Marijuana Stash Found in China

The world’s oldest stash of marijuana was found in a tomb in China. According to the Journal of Experimental Botany, the cannabis is about 2,700 years old.

Researchers found all 789 grams of dried cannabis buried beside, what they believe, to be a shaman of the Gushi culture. It was found in Turpan in northwest China.

Dry conditions and the alkaline soil preserved the stash, which enabled scientists to study it.

“To our knowledge, these investigations provide the oldest documentation of cannabis as a pharmacologically active agent,” says Dr. Ethan B. Russo, a neurologist.
World's Oldest Marijuana Stash Found in China

The world’s oldest stash of marijuana was found in a tomb in China. According to the Journal of Experimental Botany, the cannabis is about 2,700 years old.

Researchers found all 789 grams of dried cannabis buried beside, what they believe, to be a shaman of the Gushi culture. It was found in Turpan in northwest China.

Dry conditions and the alkaline soil preserved the stash, which enabled scientists to (puff puff pass) study it.

“To our knowledge, these investigations provide the oldest documentation of cannabis as a pharmacologically active agent,” says Dr. Ethan B. Russo, a neurologist.



Lem Putt
But JPC told us that white people invented all drugs and alcohol. That means that some white person must have planted the pot on this nice, innocent old dead chinese guy.

##### set me up.


Well-Known Member
When I went to the Smithsonian on a high school field trip, there was a bud wrapped in leaves of some kind and it was supposed to be a couple thousand years old. We had to restrain one of the class dopers from trying to get to it.