World Gym - Leonardtown


I've just started a free month at the gym. Have they no staff to help you out? I have no clue how to use those machine, and had to depend on the kindness of strangers to help me out! The ladies at the counter just signed me up and turned me loose. Is this normal? Are you supposed to have prior knowledge and I am, therefore, irritating the real members with my 'lost soul' ramblings?


Duck Molester
typically, most gyms will want to sell you a package where you get one-on-one training with a personal trainer. Typically, 3 one hour long sessions is about $100 where they go over your nutrition/diet needs and work with you on the equipment. If you opt out of the initial package, you're on your own. At least that's been my experience. Just watch and learn, it won't take long to figure out the machines.


I used to work out there. When you sign up, they should give you a trainer for an hour to setup your workout schedule.


I go to the one in Wildewood, I didn't get the personal training sessions until I signed up for the package, but there is always staff around to show you how to use the machines. The cardio machines tell you what buttons to push. I want to learn to use the stair thingy but haven't gotten the nerve yet.


Originally posted by spinner
I want to learn to use the stair thingy but haven't gotten the nerve yet.
Walk up and start stepping.......:shrug:

It's not hard at all...........hit start, type in your weight :yikes:, hit what kind of workout you want and then hit start.


End of Day 2

Tuesdays are much better - a lot less crowded. I could actually get up close to a few machines...and guess what? There is a picture of what it works and how to sit/lay on some of the machines. By the end of the month, I might even be able to recommend this place.
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Active Member
I went to that place one time with my uncle Stanley and he put me on this one machine at it nearly snapped off my leg! I couldn't get out my leg and the manager had to go get some tools to take it apart. My uncle goes all the time and he's always losing teeth on them machines. He said one time this guy put on some boots and hung upsidedown on this bar and the boots came off. He said that guy's neck shattered like a toothpick. That guy was crumpled up and screamed for a whole hour straight waiting for the ambulance. That place can be fun for exercise but also dangerous and it's right next to Arby's.
Originally posted by RodRugg
I went to that place one time with my uncle Stanley and he put me on this one machine at it nearly snapped off my leg! I couldn't get out my leg and the manager had to go get some tools to take it apart. My uncle goes all the time and he's always losing teeth on them machines. He said one time this guy put on some boots and hung upsidedown on this bar and the boots came off. He said that guy's neck shattered like a toothpick. That guy was crumpled up and screamed for a whole hour straight waiting for the ambulance. That place can be fun for exercise but also dangerous and it's right next to Arby's.

RodR, I gotta tell ya, this was one of your best. ROTFLMAO My ribs are still hurtin'. Keep up the good work! :yay: (I'm still glad we aren't related. We aren't, are we?)