NOT Politically Correct!!
If you want to know what is going on in the world of terrorism, threats,
explosions, airline incidents, etc., you need to keep this web page in your
favorites. Take a few minutes and check it out.
Copy and paste this url address (or double click on it) [B][/B]
It updates every 300 seconds and has some good follow-ups and is a great
source to mark as your favorites to track incidents.
What a peaceful world we live in...
explosions, airline incidents, etc., you need to keep this web page in your
favorites. Take a few minutes and check it out.
Copy and paste this url address (or double click on it) [B][/B]
It updates every 300 seconds and has some good follow-ups and is a great
source to mark as your favorites to track incidents.
What a peaceful world we live in...