Wow. And the author even referenced sites the TJ uses.
I found the idea of a "savings glut" interesting. He even mentions American "salting away" money because retail sales were flat. I can't believe he talking about the lower and middle-class American consumer. From what I can see, they have no money to "salt away". They are too busy servicing debt.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Without even knowing it, stgislander has highlighted a major point that is factually incorrect in the article. (Actually that is misstated...I should have said ONE of the major factually incorrect parts of the article.)
This is what the article said:
This time they are faced with a chronic low-growth malaise - partly due to a global 'savings glut', and increasingly to a slow ageing crisis across most of the Northern hemisphere.
As you correctly pointed out, there is no "savings glut"...people aren't spending like normal because they are still paying off debt associated with the run up to the credit crisis. Oh...and just to add to the author's ignorance...the elderly SPEND their savings...they don't ADD to their savings!
Gilligan can now go search the world press to find another article stating we are in recession. Hey Gilligan, next time you find one, at least have the common sense to locate an author who understands that a recession, by definition, means GDP is NEGATIVE.