World's laziest workers

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Long lauded for Teutonic efficiency and hard work, German workers are now among the world's laziest, the government concedes. According to International Labor Organization statistics, the average German worked 1,444 hours in 2002, compared to 1,815 hours for the average U.S. worker and 1,707 for the average Briton.

Only the Norwegians and Dutch worked fewer hours. Germans also have more holidays than most other nations -- 30 days leave is standard plus about 12 public holidays. :shocking:


I work with several Dutch folks and it seems like they are always on vacation. But rather than look at these numbers and condemn the Germans for working less hours, I think we should be looking at ways to lower our work hours.


Originally posted by crabcake
Ich bin deutsch, wenn es mich 30 Tage weg von einem Jahr erhält. :cheers: know it drives me crazy when you speak German.......