Worst Lyrics


Asperger's Poster Child
My vote goes to these two. Can you name the songs?

See the girls with their dresses so tight
Give you love if the price is right

You're a hot-blooded woman-child
And it's warm where you're touching me


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by Tonio
My vote goes to these two. Can you name the songs?

See the girls with their dresses so tight
Give you love if the price is right

You're a hot-blooded woman-child
And it's warm where you're touching me

Is one of them "Hot Child in The City"?

I think the worst lyrics ever are:

"Someone's knockin' at the door...
Somebody ringin' the bell.
Someone's knockin' at the door...
Somebody ringin' the bell.
Do me a favor..
Open the door...
Let 'em in."



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
OMG!!!!! :barf: :barf:

Let's sing it together:

Baby, baby, don't get hooked one me
Baby, baby, don't get hooked on me
Cause I'll just use you then I'll set you free
Baby, baby, don't get hooked on me-eeeeee

The worst lyrics I've ever heard (and I cringe thinking about it):

My name is Michael
I've got a nickel
I've got a nickel shiny and new
I'm gonna buy me
All kinds of candy
That's what I'm gonna do

Ahhhhhh!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!! With those little kids singing! Ahhhh!!! Ahhhhh!!!

Or that "She ran calling wi-i-i-i-ld-fire" song. *guh* Must go brainwash myself and get those lyrics out of my mind!!! So many bad songs, so few doctors who still perform shock treatments!


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by vraiblonde
OMG!!!!! :barf: :barf:

My name is Michael
I've got a nickel
I've got a nickel shiny and new
I'm gonna buy me
All kinds of candy
That's what I'm gonna do

Ahhhhhh!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!! With those little kids singing! Ahhhh!!! Ahhhhh!!!

Now I'm REALLY gonna have nightmares!!!

How about:

"Oh, I've got a brand new pair of roller skates...you got a brand new key..."


"The night Chicago died...na na na na na na na na na na na na naaaaa............"


"And see the tree...how big it grows...but friend...it hasn't been too long...it wasn't big...

and I laughed at her and she got mad..the first day that she planted it...was just a twig...

then the first snow came...and she ran out...to brush the snow away...so it wouldn't die...

came runnin' in...all excited....slipped and almost hurt herself...and I laughed till I cried...

And Honey...I miss you......and I'm...doin' good....

And I'd love...to be with you...if only...I could...."

Bobby Goldsboro..>>ACK!!!!


Asperger's Poster Child
Bobby Goldsboro: Lowering the testosterone level of American music since 1965!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Stink.... Errr I mean Sting...

Don't think me unkind
Words are hard to find
The only cheques I've left unsigned
From the banks of chaos in my mind
And when their eloquence escapes me
Their logic ties me up and rapes me

De do do do, de da da da
Is all I want to say to you
De do do do, de da da da
Their innocence will pull me through
De do do do, de da da da
Is all I want to say to you
De do do do, de da da da
They're meaningless and all that's true