Let's sing it together:
Baby, baby, don't get hooked one me
Baby, baby, don't get hooked on me
Cause I'll just use you then I'll set you free
Baby, baby, don't get hooked on me-eeeeee
The worst lyrics I've ever heard (and I cringe thinking about it):
My name is Michael
I've got a nickel
I've got a nickel shiny and new
I'm gonna buy me
All kinds of candy
That's what I'm gonna do
Ahhhhhh!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!! With those little kids singing! Ahhhh!!! Ahhhhh!!!
Or that "She ran calling wi-i-i-i-ld-fire" song. *guh* Must go brainwash myself and get those lyrics out of my mind!!! So many bad songs, so few doctors who still perform shock treatments!