wow trying not to...


laura+flare= gone
:boxing: some one... :bonk: :burning:
i mind my own, and this person gives me some freak'n red karma...
i mean seriously what have i done to piss any one off... and i thought people had the guts to sighn there name when they give karma, because i sure do because im not a wuss...
this is what they sent me...
I learned in elementary school that Laura+flare = Dee Dee Dee short bus riding, bicycle helmet wearing, window licker. I bet your horse wears a helmet too, poor thing never had a chance. Go to Melwood and find Katie, she will help you!

well im sorry that i'm under age and i have to wear a helmet!!!! Also i like my brians in my skull! I have learned my lesson about helmets when i was pushed off my pony and cracked my skull open, and i had to go to the ER. My helmet has saved me more than once, My horse fliped and i hit my head, but thank god i had my helmet on and instead of spliting my head i just have a BIG dent in back of my helmet.
aslo one of the best Barrel racers i know wheres a helmet, she is 30 somthing and she always has the winning times at nbha and ibra shows!

And sorry that your a hater... and that im proud of my horse
so laura +flare does equal gone because we're allways doing somthing, and doing it fast.
And you dont even really know me, what would you think if i was a REALLY sinsitive person and i was like 13 and you made me cry! You would just be one of those school yard bullies, thinking your somthing because you think your bigger than any one else!!!!
and fyi katie is a really good person, and you have no justice to be leaving people these type of messages.

Well sorry every one else :huggy: i just had to get that off my chest :jameo: just showing that person that i dont like to be stepped on and not say a word about it...


New Member
That was entirely uncalled for can only ignore the ignorant. Might be best to turn off your karma comments. Maybe they're so familiar w/ the short bus from past experience.... :whistle:


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
flarenuphope said:
:boxing: some one... :bonk: :burning:
i mind my own, and this person gives me some freak'n red karma...
i mean seriously what have i done to piss any one off... and i thought people had the guts to sighn there name when they give karma, because i sure do because im not a wuss...
this is what they sent me...
I learned in elementary school that Laura+flare = Dee Dee Dee short bus riding, bicycle helmet wearing, window licker. I bet your horse wears a helmet too, poor thing never had a chance. Go to Melwood and find Katie, she will help you!

well im sorry that i'm under age and i have to wear a helmet!!!! Also i like my brians in my skull! I have learned my lesson about helmets when i was pushed off my pony and cracked my skull open, and i had to go to the ER. My helmet has saved me more than once, My horse fliped and i hit my head, but thank god i had my helmet on and instead of spliting my head i just have a BIG dent in back of my helmet.
aslo one of the best Barrel racers i know wheres a helmet, she is 30 somthing and she always has the winning times at nbha and ibra shows!

And sorry that your a hater... and that im proud of my horse
so laura +flare does equal gone because we're allways doing somthing, and doing it fast.
And you dont even really know me, what would you think if i was a REALLY sinsitive person and i was like 13 and you made me cry! You would just be one of those school yard bullies, thinking your somthing because you think your bigger than any one else!!!!
and fyi katie is a really good person, and you have no justice to be leaving people these type of messages.

Well sorry every one else :huggy: i just had to get that off my chest :jameo: just showing that person that i dont like to be stepped on and not say a word about it...

Uh...Laura...I don't think helmet was because of you wearing a riding helmet in your avatar. I think it is because some handicapped people need to wear them for their own protection. So, know who you are, and don't discredit yourself by taking the time to respond to someones meaningless and anonymous red karma...they are just trying to :elaine: and get a reaction like the one you gave them.

Alright :huggy:


laura+flare= gone
fredsaid2 said:
That was entirely uncalled for can only ignore the ignorant. Might be best to turn off your karma comments. Maybe they're so familiar w/ the short bus from past experience.... :whistle:
lol thanks... this is really the first bad comment any one left me except things like "you need to learn to spell" Which i like short hand writing better... but o well...


laura+flare= gone
appendixqh said:
Uh...Laura...I don't think helmet was because of you wearing a riding helmet in your avatar. I think it is because some handicapped people need to wear them for their own protection. So, know who you are, and don't discredit yourself by taking the time to respond to someones meaningless and anonymous red karma...they are just trying to :elaine: and get a reaction like the one you gave them.

Alright :huggy:

i figured that, :lmao:. i just get really mad when it involves my horse. Like at hss i went off on some little boys ( they was like 12) because of what they did to Flare.


I'm sorry you had to go through that, but as Fred and Appendix both said, try not to take it personally. There are some unconfident folks out there who get their jollies by randomly distributing red karma. To perhaps make you feel a bit better, in response to my 2 posts to Kizer, I received 4 karma hits: 1 green (thank you!); and 3 red, with the following comments:

your stoopid (sheesh, talk about spelling)
attention ho
go away

A while back I received a red hit with the comment:
just for the h*ll of it

I had to laugh. It was funny, and honest, too! :killingme

And as far as signing their names, they're much too "stoopid" and cowardly for that. Try to think of it as Kizer did: "impotent red karma." :bigwhoop: Just take a look at my karma numbers, they're always going up and down. In fact, if we all watch, we are sure to see my numbers go down as I receive more red for this post. :razz: I refuse to turn it off, though. Trust me, some of us have received far, far worse comments than the one you received. So ignore those wusses. We all like you and your horse just fine. :huggy:


Hey flarenuphope, I just received red for an entirely innocuous comment to Robin. All I said was that I was trying to find a horse. So you see, the impotent red karma has no rhyme or reason ;-P

And one more thing: kudos to you for wearing a helmet. You will have the last laugh in the ER when the docs ask if you were wearing a helmet. I'd feel pretty stoopid, lying there with a head injury, whilst saying, uh, no I wasn't wearing a helmet. You already know from past experience, right?

I recommend watching "Every Ride, Every Time". See Jessica Jahiel's "Horse Sense" at


My God, I am brilliant! Just as I predicted, I received Impotent Red Karma for my reply to your post:
think the saddlesore is on your head. Quit posting such stupid crap. I have a feeling that you are Katie in disguise. Bunch of short horse riding freaks.

OMG! The secret is out: I am Katie! :shocked: :shocking:

The Impotent Red Karma Givers are truly predictable! :razz:


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
saddlesore said:
My God, I am brilliant! Just as I predicted, I received Impotent Red Karma for my reply to your post:
think the saddlesore is on your head. Quit posting such stupid crap. I have a feeling that you are Katie in disguise. Bunch of short horse riding freaks.

OMG! The secret is out: I am Katie! :shocked: :shocking:

The Impotent Red Karma Givers are truly predictable! :razz:

:confused: But I have seen Katies horse...its tall...deductive reasoning says you can't be Katie then. Is riding a short horse like riding a short bus? :killingme


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
07-12-2007 10:04 AM I hope the lizard man comes to your house and eats your stupid horse at least that way it could be used for somthing usfull like providign a good meal to somone unless your horse is gay then the lizard man probobly would want to ea- The Junk Yard Dog karma done correctly can be really funny~! If lizard boy shows up, i may even have a horse that's ticked me off enough that I will gladly let him eat! :killingme


appendixqh said:
:confused: But I have seen Katies horse...its tall...deductive reasoning says you can't be Katie then. Is riding a short horse like riding a short bus? :killingme

You are correct in your deductive assessment! :notworthy

I see you got hit by Junk Yard Dog also. We must be special!