

Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That can't be possible. EVERYONE knows the rich don't pay taxes. Bush must have forgotten to take advantage of all those tax cuts for the rich he gave everyone else.



This Space for Rent
I wonder if Kerry will ever release his. I am sure he elected to pay more than both of them to stick to his tax the rich ideal. :rolleyes:

Edit: Just saw it -- Kerry paid 23%.

Kerry's taxes
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
a capital gain of $145,805 from the sale of a painting in which he had a half interest
$145,805 for HALF a painting. That boggles the mind. Kerry sold his HALF of a painting for more than most people make in a year. The whole painting would be almost $300,000. That's a nice sized house in the suburbs, not a painting. Who the hell did he sell it to? His wife?

Speaking of which, I'd LOVE to see her tax return.


This Space for Rent
I agree. I am sure most the income is on her side. He keeps his looking simple.

I also find it amusing that Bush and Cheney are much bigger supporters of charity. I mean, Dems love to take care of others, right? :rolleyes:

Shows that Reps aren't greedy. We just prefer to have our own choice as to where are money goes to support those who can't take care of themselves rather than have politicians decide who we have to support.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Do you realize that John Kerry's HALF of a PAINTING would pay for my daughter's FULL 4 YEARS of college at NYU, with no scholarships or grants?

A friggin' PAINTING!!!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"Muffy, dahling, I need a quick quarter mil so I can play at politics."
"Don't fret, Poopsie, we can just sell one of our paintings."



b*tch rocket
Originally posted by vraiblonde
"Muffy, dahling, I need a quick quarter mil so I can play at politics."
"Don't fret, Poopsie, we can just sell one of our paintings."



You know, I read an article about the "rich folk" and how they merely transfer money around, rather than blowing it like the rest of us, and it made sense. Most of us would have a stroke at plunking down a cool half million for a silly painting to stick above our fireplace. It's actually a pretty decent investment. It doesn't really de-value, say like if us white trash rich went out and and bought ourselves a hummer. What will be the resale value of that in ten years vs a foo foo, highly extravagant (and probably butt ugly) painting? :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Christy
It doesn't really de-value, say like if us white trash rich went out and and bought ourselves a hummer.
Okay, but cars and homes have value because you actually use it - you drive your car, you live in your home. What does a painting do for you? That's just perceived value - some elitist schmuck decided Rikard von Whoozlefidgit was a MASTER and the other elitists ran around going, "Oooooh! I MUST have his "Bunny With A Pancake On Its Head" in pastel!"

That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard of. Yeah, that John Kerry - he's real in touch with the little guy, that's for sure. :rolleyes:


Super Genius
I believe real estate increases in value faster than artwork...unless the artists dies.

Cars are not good things to put money into. Buy cheap, reliable, and absolutely, positively, buy used.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
- some elitist schmuck decided Rikard von Whoozlefidgit was a MASTER and the other elitists ran around going, "Oooooh! I MUST have his "Bunny With A Pancake On Its Head" in pastel!"

I have Elvis in velvet, I wonder how much it is worth? :confused:


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Okay, but cars and homes have value because you actually use it - you drive your car, you live in your home. What does a painting do for you?

Some one offer the same argument towards smokers. Count up the money people will spend in a lifetime on something that kills them, then you'll see $140k for a nice looking painting doesn't sound so bad.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Count up the money people will spend in a lifetime on something that kills them, then you'll see $140k for a nice looking painting doesn't sound so bad.
I fully expected you to rush to John Kerry's defense with some silly remark that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. John Kerry wants to tax our brains out so he can dole that money out to deadbeat welfare recipients, yet HE owns one - ONE! - painting that cost over a quarter of a MILLION dollars.

If he were REALLY concerned with the poor, he'd sell a couple more paintings and maybe one or two of his homes and rebuild a ghetto. Start a few scholarships for disadvantaged kids. How many kids do you think he could have fed with the money from just HALF a painting?


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by I12BLuvedBayou
With all the wonderful things he's going to do for our nation as president I think he is entitled to a few luxuries.

Loving the sarcasm, Baaayou...:lmao:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by I12BLuvedBayou
Alot more kids will be fed when John Kerry is president than would be fed if he sold a painting. With all the wonderful things he's going to do for our nation as president I think he is entitled to a few luxuries.

I used to belong to a cult. Funny how similar the language is.


Well-Known Member
Kerry in action!

"Look, I was out in the streets with kids who came out of the barrios in south-Central Los Angelos, fighting for veterans and veteran's benefits. Again and again, I've been out in the streets, walking the picket line, or fighting for nurses, or fighting for the transportation workers right to strike, or whatever."
New York Times.

See, he's been fighting.... see?
Then he takes his limo home and scrubs thoroughly with imported French antibacterial soap in case he caught something from those street people.:biggrin:

I know now how all those Union faithful claim him as one of their own...uh huh.
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