

endangered species
What can I say. We got our asses kicked.

As you might imagine, I am still in shock. I know I am a little left of center, but I at least thought I could IDENTIFY the center.

I don't understand how attacking the wrong country is a successful terrorism strategy.

I don't understand how denying marriage to some protects marriage.

I don't understand how turning the mildest recession ever into a three year cycle of lost jobs, bankruptcies, and deficits gets a passing grade.

And coming soon: men can decide that some have to die "for a good cause" in a war, but that there is no "good cause" for an abortion.

It's a great time to be a conservative. Greed and selfishness and fear and imperialism rule! Congratulations!


MGKrebs said:
What can I say. We got our asses kicked.

As you might imagine, I am still in shock. I know I am a little left of center, but I at least thought I could IDENTIFY the center.

I don't understand how attacking the wrong country is a successful terrorism strategy.

I don't understand how denying marriage to some protects marriage.

I don't understand how turning the mildest recession ever into a three year cycle of lost jobs, bankruptcies, and deficits gets a passing grade.

And coming soon: men can decide that some have to die "for a good cause" in a war, but that there is no "good cause" for an abortion.

It's a great time to be a conservative. Greed and selfishness and fear and imperialism rule! Congratulations!



MGKrebs said:
What can I say. We got our asses kicked.

As you might imagine, I am still in shock. I know I am a little left of center, but I at least thought I could IDENTIFY the center.

I don't understand how attacking the wrong country is a successful terrorism strategy.

I don't understand how denying marriage to some protects marriage.

I don't understand how turning the mildest recession ever into a three year cycle of lost jobs, bankruptcies, and deficits gets a passing grade.

And coming soon: men can decide that some have to die "for a good cause" in a war, but that there is no "good cause" for an abortion.

It's a great time to be a conservative. Greed and selfishness and fear and imperialism rule! Congratulations!
Thats why you got your asses kicked.


MGKrebs said:
It's a great time to be a conservative. Greed and selfishness and fear and imperialism rule! Congratulations!

Thank you.

Please tell us how everyone in the red states are stupid inbred hillbillies, and how everyone in the blue states are educated and have higher IQ's.

Then tell us how everyone in the red states are intolerant and full of hate, and how everyone in the blue states are tolerant and anti-hate.

Go on. Tell us.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Howdy MG...

It's a great time to be a conservative. Greed and selfishness and fear and imperialism rule! Congratulations!

I have no nasty retort.

I do however request that you consider that perhaps, just MAYBE, somehow there is, however remote the chance, a possibility that:

1. Finally dealing with Saddam and urging liberal democracy in Iraq is a huge part of a successful, long term anti terror strategy.

2. As far as denying gay marriage, did you miss Sen. Kerry's stance? Personally I support a social contract of some sort but to call it 'marriage' with two husbands or two wives is silly. Why not three or ten? 100?

3. The 'mild' recession was after a monumental collapse in stock prices once the corrutption was dealt with and a little thing we like to call...9/11...which had a HUGE negative effect on our economy, though not as fierce as it's architects had hoped.

4. Another way of looking at abortion is that it does not happen in a social vaccum and that the left will not even denounce partial birth slaughter is the true radical position.

I know you are far to intelligent to have not considered that you may be wrong on these issues but, it is possible, so, I only offer them for your consideration.


endangered species
I don't know.

Bogart said:
I thought democrats were so g/d smarter than everyone else. Why can't they figure this out?

Y'all are the one's who keep saying we are smarter. Talk to Limbaugh.

However, there are some other myths that have been shattered:
- Good turnout is good for Dems.
- People vote with their pocketbook

And one "myth" has been confirmed: He with the most fear wins.


Not dead yet.
MGKrebs said:
I know I am a little left of center, but I at least thought I could IDENTIFY the center.

Clue phone! It's for you!

The liberals driving the Democratic party have run it into the ditch (the ditch on the left side, of course!) Finding the center was something I thought you folks didn't care about anymore because you are so much smarter than the rest of us. Why should you care? The poor dummies that live in fly over country should just let you rule, right?

At least that seems to have been the message from the democrat leadership for the last few years. Insulting people and diluting he moral codes that the center lives by are not good ways to win friends. That's a big part of why you lefties have consistently been losing ground for the last 10 years.

Why do I bother telling you this? Because it's a safe thing to do. You'll write me off as some right-wing nut job homophobic racist like you always do. That's because you're so intellectually superior. :notworthy :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It's not all bad for you guys...

...3 1/2 million votes is not insurmountable.

I mean, it's not like Tom Daschle got sent pack...err.

Which is to say it's not like we picked up even more seats in the Hous...uh...

I mean in the Sen...oops.

Uh. Well, at least you still have Flori...uh....well. Uh.

Fine. Sucks to be you. You still got Chuck and Hillary, OK?

And people DO vote their pocket book. They voted to keep theirs away from the liberal Senator from Mass.


MGKrebs said:
And one "myth" has been confirmed: He with the most fear wins.


The guy who kept trying to instill terror about the DRAFT and how we're going to DESTROY SOCIAL SECURITY lost. Remember.


endangered species
Hi Larry.

Larry Gude said:
I have no nasty retort.

I do however request that you consider that perhaps, just MAYBE, somehow there is, however remote the chance, a possibility that:

1. Finally dealing with Saddam and urging liberal democracy in Iraq is a huge part of a successful, long term anti terror strategy.

2. As far as denying gay marriage, did you miss Sen. Kerry's stance? Personally I support a social contract of some sort but to call it 'marriage' with two husbands or two wives is silly. Why not three or ten? 100?

3. The 'mild' recession was after a monumental collapse in stock prices once the corrutption was dealt with and a little thing we like to call...9/11...which had a HUGE negative effect on our economy, though not as fierce as it's architects had hoped.

4. Another way of looking at abortion is that it does not happen in a social vaccum and that the left will not even denounce partial birth slaughter is the true radical position.

I know you are far to intelligent to have not considered that you may be wrong on these issues but, it is possible, so, I only offer them for your consideration.

1. "Urging" is a bit of a euphemism when 100,000 Iraqi's have been killed, and well over 1000 Americans. And this nation building is fine in hindsight, but the fact is, there is still no evidence of any terrorist connection to Saddam's Iraq. In other words, they are there because we are there.

2. Why is it silly? My only problem with the issue is that I consider "marriage" a religious institution, not something for the government to have a role in. But the reality is, laws exist that pertain to marriage. So what's the beef? What difference does it make if Adam and Steve get married? Who cares? I can't see where it would have the slightest effect on my marriage.

3. Why would 9/11 have a huge effect on our economy?

4. There is no "left". Liberalism means- the very definition- tolerance of the ideas of others. (But my complete response to this would take more time than I have at the moment.)


endangered species
So what are you saying-

Toxick said:

The guy who kept trying to instill terror about the DRAFT and how we're going to DESTROY SOCIAL SECURITY lost. Remember.

That if there is a draft then you made a mistake?


Not dead yet.
MGKrebs said:
1. "Urging" is a bit of a euphemism when 100,000 Iraqi's have been killed, and well over 1000 Americans. And this nation building is fine in hindsight, but the fact is, there is still no evidence of any terrorist connection to Saddam's Iraq. In other words, they are there because we are there.

2. Why is it silly? My only problem with the issue is that I consider "marriage" a religious institution, not something for the government to have a role in. But the reality is, laws exist that pertain to marriage. So what's the beef? What difference does it make if Adam and Steve get married? Who cares? I can't see where it would have the slightest effect on my marriage.

3. Why would 9/11 have a huge effect on our economy?

4. There is no "left". Liberalism means- the very definition- tolerance of the ideas of others. (But my complete response to this would take more time than I have at the moment.)

1) So now we're back to "no connection" good. We have come full circle. The last I knew your side was pulling a little October surprise related to terrorists stealing explosives in the early part of the war that were being aimed at our people now. If there's no connection like you say now, why was the Dem position 180 degrees from there last week?
"They are there because we are there." This is good. If we weren't there, they'd be here more aggressively than they are already.

2) Agreed. Marriage is a religious institution. Government should get out of it. What differance does it make if Adam and Steve get married? It degenerates the standards we've had as a society. One more signpost on the road paved with good intentions.

3) Obviously you're not in the airline, travel, or tourism industries.

4) Too funny for words! I understand the dictionary definition of liberalism as you have defined it. Here's what says: "The state or quality of being liberal.

A political theory founded on the natural goodness of humans and the autonomy of the individual and favoring civil and political liberties, government by law with the consent of the governed, and protection from arbitrary authority. " Lest you think I'm kidding here's the link

Too bad the smarty-pants professor Krebs can't take the time to educate the stupid redneck crew. Maybe we can all sign up for a class so he can earn a living by enlightening us. Or maybe your time will be better spent reading this:


First off:

MGKrebs said:
There is no "left". Liberalism means- the very definition- tolerance of the ideas of others.

:killingme :killingme :lol: :lmao: :killingme :lol: :lmao: :roflmao: :killingme
Sometimes I wish the internet had a laugh-track.

And an irony detector.


MGKrebs said:
That if there is a draft then you made a mistake?

Wow - nice dodge. You completely side-stepped my point, and I almost didn't even catch it.

To answer your question, No. Because, I did not vote based on the chance or non-chance of a draft.

Now, to reiterate: My comment about the draft was in reply to your assertion that "he with the most fear wins", and I was pointing out that this is a flawed statement in that Kerry was a much bigger fear-monger than Bush ever was.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

1. "Urging" is a bit of a euphemism when 100,000 Iraqi's have been killed, and well over 1000 Americans. And this nation building is fine in hindsight, but the fact is, there is still no evidence of any terrorist connection to Saddam's Iraq. In other words, they are there because we are there.
I used 'urging' because 'forcing' doesn't sound very good. Everyone from Clinton to Kerry have said time and again that Saddam was a threat, would continue to try to develop WMD and would, if given time, use them AGAIN, so, what's the beef? Why isn't it simply OK that wo put him out if business for good? Why isn't the lack of significant stockpiles good? I have constantly felt like many of my fellow Americans are upset because we arrested Al Capone for jaywalking because he kept getting away with everything else.

I don't get it! We are trying to foster in the Arab world what we helped build in Germany and Japan after WWII and South Korea in the 50's; liberal, equal opportunity, peaceful states based on rule of law. Would it be fair to accuse you of being anti Arab?
2. Why is it silly? My only problem with the issue is that I consider "marriage" a religious institution, not something for the government to have a role in. But the reality is, laws exist that pertain to marriage. So what's the beef? What difference does it make if Adam and Steve get married? Who cares? I can't see where it would have the slightest effect on my marriage.
Funny, Adam and Steve seem to be after government involvement to attain benefits and legal rights. I doubt you and I have any legitimate issues with this one.
3. Why would 9/11 have a huge effect on our economy?
You didn't say that. It's a typo. There is no way you are wondering what effect, if any, 9/11 had on our economy.
4. There is no "left". Liberalism means- the very definition- tolerance of the ideas of others. (But my complete response to this would take more time than I have at the moment.)

Take time when you can. 'Left' is the simple term, sorry if it isn't accurate and Lord knows, todays group identity liberals have nothing in common with classic liberals especially when we're talking about tolerance of other ideas.