WuHan, North Korea, dead leader, mean ass sister


Well-Known Member
I heard this on AM radio channel 525 at 4am this morning..... a guy in Seattle, Sentraa#43, reported this...

Kim Yung walla walla bing bang was reportedly dead... maybeeee, just maybeeee Kim sniffed WuHan virus and became " un-alive". North Korea's interim leader, his sister, is allegedly one toxic mean woman. SISTER SUE UNLEASHED THE VIRUS ON THE WORLD. Fat Larry, funnels Maryland taxpayers money, 10-12 million, to South Korea, via his in-laws, succumbing to blackmail...remember, he bought worthless CoVid test kits! Then, hid them so Trump wouldn't see them...So, did anyone see them??? Were they overnighted by Fed-Ex?? Columbian drug dealer fast boats???

Thats my story. buy my book on Amazon. $29.99.