XBOX 360 on PC display



Does anyone use the VGA connector to play their 360 on a PC display?


I didn't want the wife to kick me off our LCD HDTV anymore while I was playing xbox360 so I bought the cable.
it works great.....I don't use a KVM, but I hooked up a vga extensiion cable to the monitor and everytime I want to play xbox360 I hook up it's vga cable to the extension, when I need to use the computer I hook up its cable. The problem is when you want sound, you need a home theater speaker system you can switch between the computer and the xbox360. I bought a really cheap one Durabrand from Walmart for like 30 bucks. It may all seem a little ghetto, but it was all cheaper than buying a new TV. It works great and I can sit up closer to the monitor and snipe away. If you like PC games and want to play on your xbox360 using a mouse and keyboard, google for "XCM XFPS Pro"....I just ordered one so I can own everone on Halo3.