
Larry Gude

Strung Out
...number 40.

Steelers v. Seahawks.

First off, I gotta give Seattle their due; they earned it. They were clearly better than Carolina on both sides of the ball, though I gotta say Jake Delhome made some of the worst decisions I've ever seen a QB make in a big game. He threw into triple and quadruple coverage several times.

I've been seeing the Steelers for the last two weeks but still, congrats there to.

So, to the big game;

It's gonna be a great game and here's why;

1. Cowher's been here before and lost, Holmgren has won one and lost one. No one has an excuse if their teams aren't ready to play.

2. Both teams are very, very good on both sides of the ball and both are pretty healthy.

3. Stars.

Troy P'alamalu is unreal. As long a the Steelers can pressure Hasselback like they have everyone else and Troy is causing havoc, advantage Pittsburgh.

Hasselback. He is getting it done, making plays. I am most surprised by his play of anyone on the playoffs so far. Pittsburghs D will not be a shock to him after the last two weeks.

Ben Roethlisburger has simply matured into a big time QB. Seattle has stoned two teams in a row. Are they THAT good? We'll see.

So, throw in, football fans.


Well-Known Member
Steelers by 12. Watching both games yesterday, as a Patriots' fan, I came away with this.

The Steelers did not play as well as they are capable(see the running game); while the Seahawks played the game of their lives. Except for one play at the end(which cost me the over/under and a shot at the finals!)Seattle pretty much did nothing wrong. Are they gonna be able to repeat this in two weeks. Nope. With all the emphasis on MAKING it to the Super Bowl, I think Seattle turned yesterday's game into their Super Bowl and they're toast when it counts.

If I were a Steelers fan the only two Seahawks that I would be concerned with are: The kid Tatupu(watched his Daddy play for Pat's)on defense and Jurevicius on offense.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

donbarzini said:
If I were a Steelers fan the only two Seahawks that I would be concerned with are: The kid Tatupu(watched his Daddy play for Pat's)on defense and Jurevicius on offense.


He didn't do anything against us or Carolina? 2 catches?

Jackson is clearly their guy.


Well-Known Member
Larry Gude said:

He didn't do anything against us or Carolina? 2 catches?

Jackson is clearly their guy.

Jurevicius has been there before, on a winning team(TB) and Jackson has a gimpy leg.


Football addict

Bustem' Down said:
No matter who wins, I see it as a low scoring game.
I'd see it as the total opposite. These teams have been garnering 20-30 or more points in recent weeks. The defenses are good but not as good as each others offenses. I think it will be a great showdown that will come down to the wire. I also think it will come down to who's more physical, in this case Pittsburgh.