Xmas lights


New Member
want to save money?don't get lights with taxpayer money!
troops are dying and getting maimed!
other faiths do not observe Xmas
why bother?worry more about the big problems governor


Lem Putt
want to save money?don't get lights with taxpayer money!
troops are dying and getting maimed!
other faiths do not observe Xmas
why bother?worry more about the big problems governor

I looked on Google and BabelFish, and neither one has a Tard to English translator. Could you please try again?


Set Trippin
I looked on Google and BabelFish, and neither one has a Tard to English translator. Could you please try again?

wizzle to sizzle monizzle gizzle lizzle wizzle tizzle monizzle arizzle dyizzle and gizzle mizzle fizzle do not obsizzle Xmizzle bothizzle morizzle about thizzle bizzle problizzle govizzle ......

courtesy of Snoop Dog Translator


New Member
Huh?????????? If you really want to save money hit the store on Dec 26 and buy the lights you intend to use next year LOL.

By the way why should I care if other faiths dont observe Christmas? I dont belong to them.