Yay me!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
50 rounds

Yes, I'm aware that some of you won't be impressed, but this is a dramatic improvement over last time.



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Board Mommy
PREMO Member

Not very :lol:

Some at the first line, some at the second line and some in between. Not sure how far it is because you know how I am with distances. Sharon or 2A could tell you.

But the good news is that I'm not flinching or closing my eyes anymore. :lol: Sharon has had me practicing with a dime on the barrel and some snap caps.


Happy Camper
:roflmao: Vrai, I read it as "50 pounds" first!!!! :killingme Anyway, way to go on your shooting!!!! Very nice grouping!! :buddies:
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Staff member
PREMO Member
3 feet? For what?

That's point shootin' time if BG is that close, not target, front sight, squeeze.

3 yards (not feet) and 7 yards. I'm teaching her to hit her mark and learn (keep) control of the gun, not hit a BG. Form first. She can plug BG's later.