YAY! S. 397 just passed.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Bogart said:
Can you sue GM if someone runs you over with their Hummer?
Maybe, but you should be able to unless there was something faulty with the Hummer that was caused by GM.

The Brady bunch, New York City, Washington, D.C. and a bunch of other organizations and urban areas have been suing gun manufacturers for crimes committed by people using their product that is made lawfully in an attempt to force the gun manufacturers into bankruptcy through repeated litigation. This stops that cold. This law does not stop litigation if the manufacturer does something against the law or produces a faulty product.


Football addict
2ndAmendment said:
Maybe, but you should be able to unless there was something faulty with the Hummer that was caused by GM.

The Brady bunch, New York City, Washington, D.C. and a bunch of other organizations and urban areas have been suing gun manufacturers for crimes committed by people using their product that is made lawfully in an attempt to force the gun manufacturers into bankruptcy through repeated litigation. This stops that cold. This law does not stop litigation if the manufacturer does something against the law or produces a faulty product.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
Maybe, but you should be able to unless there was something faulty with the Hummer that was caused by GM.
Huh? :confused: Did you mean shouldn't?


Asperger's Poster Child
I don't know much about guns, and I generally believe the law is a good idea, I wonder if it might make gun owners more vulnerable to lawsuits.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
I wonder if it might make gun owners more vulnerable to lawsuits.
How so? Owner liability has always existed for criminal acts or misuse of a weapon.


Football season!
It bothers me that we even need things like this to get passed. I wonder if these are the same people who sue Ford when they get busted for speeding?


Asperger's Poster Child
Ken King said:
How so? Owner liability has always existed for criminal acts or misuse of a weapon.
True, but I'm not talking about criminal acts or misuse. I'm talking about accidents where the owner was potentially negligent in some way. My point is that right now, personal injury lawyers have two targets in these type of accidents--the manufacturers and the owners. I'm suggesting that with the manufacturers out of the picture, the owners would be more vulnerable to the lawyers' greed.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Tonio said:
True, but I'm not talking about criminal acts or misuse. I'm talking about accidents where the owner was potentially negligent in some way. My point is that right now, personal injury lawyers have two targets in these type of accidents--the manufacturers and the owners. I'm suggesting that with the manufacturers out of the picture, the owners would be more vulnerable to the lawyers' greed.
I believe that "potentially negligent" would be a misuse issue, like leaving a weapon around for a child to get their hands on. The way "business as usual" has been is to blame a manufacturer for idiotic behavior of the end user. The only reason people have tried to sue the manufacturer is because they have the big bucks. I see many no longer seeking suit due to the fact that individuals don't have the mega-bucks like the corporations.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Ken King said:
I believe that "potentially negligent" would be a misuse issue, like leaving a weapon around for a child to get their hands on. The way "business as usual" has been is to blame a manufacturer for idiotic behavior of the end user. The only reason people have tried to sue the manufacturer is because they have the big bucks. I see many no longer seeking suit due to the fact that individuals don't have the mega-bucks like the corporations.
:yeahthat: It's all about the money.


Tonio said:
True, but I'm not talking about criminal acts or misuse.

That's an interesting topic in itself. A few years ago they had a law in Florida that made it illegal to enable a child to have access to a firearm, thus pushing people to keep their guns unloaded and locked up at all times. It seemed like a good idea at the time, although it flew in the face of the castle laws, but the intent was good.

Then came a case where a young boy got a hold of his Dad's pistol and accidentally shot his little sister, killing her. The result was that both parents were charged and arrested. So, here's this little 8-9 year old kid, who's just killed his sister, watching his Mom and Dad being trucked off to prison and all because of an accident. Is there any other kind of accident that said boy could commit that would result in the parents being arrested like that? Nope, just for firearms. And what kind of life was this kid going to have? He's utterly destroyed his family.

This law is still on the books down here, but it's not really enforced because of that case. I think we need a law that says "Accidents happen to good people" and get away from all these knee-jerk reactionary laws. I've also started talking to the state NRA folks about getting a program similar to the temporary one in Maryland that took small kids out to gun ranges and teaches them firearms safety. That'll do more to save lives than locking up parents.