Yay the pony is on full recovery!


New Member
Indy is coming back stronger then ever since his month layup from laminitis, graveling and some pre-navicular changes (which we dont know if they are active or not). He has had front shoes on and what an incredible difference! For one, theres no bucking, spinning being totally evil.. but most of all, he goes forward and steady all on his own, and more "swingy" in the hind end. We cantered him yesterday for the first time, which for those of you who know mr indy, know that that was a big issue, and he went right when i asked, no bucking/kicking ect. and went into a gallop... which is amazing for him. :yahoo: im glad hes feeling better! We always knew something was in pain with him which caused some of his behaviors, but we just could never figuare out what.

He still tests me of course, but he hasnt been NEARLY as tough to handle.. well stick i should say.. when he does! We even did a little Intro class at a show and he got 60s (with only being in work 2.5 weeks) with an reconized judge, and he was a super star! he didnt take a step wrong the whole time or try to do anything silly. Last show i did with him, he gave me a "almost" hernia from spinning, leaping, bucking real fast all at once. Then about err 1.5 mo. after that was when all this came up.. so that explained ALOT.

Ill get some videos and post. We are taking it very slowly. just mostly w.t stuff, and since hes been consistantly doing well with that for about 3.5 weeks now, weve started to add a little canter in. Hes still on Isoxsuprine though, and hes weaned off the bute to every 2 days now.
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