YEAH DR. Stotts is coming


Leap Of Faith Farm
I just called Dr. Stotts and had a very nice talk with him (He has a great Sense of humor) anyway he has agreed to come out and take a look see at my baby ...THIS WEEKEND ...:yahoo:


Cowgirl Up
He's the best and will give you the lowdown as he sees it. Do you have the Xrays that were just taken for him to reveiw? If not you should ask the Dr for them. It will save you the time and expense of having others taken.
I do think though that he will confirm navicular changes are the cause of Rocky's lameness. Hopefully though he will figure out how to releive some of the pressure and prevent it from getting any worse then it is now. I forgot to ask you if his front hooves are taking on a pear shape?, this being another sign of navicular.


Leap Of Faith Farm
Do you have the Xrays that were just taken for him to reveiw? I do think though that he will confirm navicular changes are the cause of Rocky's lameness. I forgot to ask you if his front hooves are taking on a pear shape?,

Yes I pick up his x -rays Thursday for Quint to check them out he is coming Friday to trim him again so I will have them for Dr Stotts and the other vet report IF I can FIND it :confused: I also have called the ranch were I got rocky from to see if there are any previous x-rays but again no answer so I am going to e-mail in a minute..

He said a horse as old as rocky (9) did not know that was old .. does not just develop Navicular So he doubts it maybe but still could be ??

I have not noticed any pear shape he just has tiny feet..

Dr. Stott also said he would work with me with boots and pads .. I finally have someone to help me with this and not just do test give meds and walk away ...Hopefully we won't be rushed because he won't be there for any other appointments and take our time Then I can ask questions I need to know.. I already told him I know completely nothing so he needs to fill me in SO I know what is going on with my horse.. This is very upsetting and frustrating but I think I am on the right track now..


Cowgirl Up
He said a horse as old as rocky (9) did not know that was old .. does not just develop Navicular So he doubts it maybe but still could be ??..

I forgot to ask you but is this in just one hoof or both fronts? And I do agree that it would not of just started at 9 yrs old...but he could of had it for awhile and the stomping on hard ground this past summer could of caused a flare up.

[Dr. Stott also said he would work with me with boots and pads .. I finally have someone to help me with this and not just do test give meds and walk away ...Hopefully we won't be rushed because he won't be there for any other appointments and take our time Then I can ask questions I need to know.. I already told him I know completely nothing so he needs to fill me in SO I know what is going on with my horse.. This is very upsetting and frustrating but I think I am on the right track now..

I agree that you are started on the right track. Write down some questions as they come up so that you'll be prepared when he gets there. I hope all goes well.


Persimmon Creek Farm
Hey TC, just wondering...can you put off the trim till after Stotts appointment? Cause Im sure he is gonna give you directives as to how he wants the hoove trimmed.


Leap Of Faith Farm
I forgot to ask you but is this in just one hoof or both fronts? And I do agree that it would not of just started at 9 yrs old...but he could of had it for awhile and the stomping on hard ground this past summer could of caused a flare up.
I hope all goes well.

This seems to be just his left front and Dr Stotts did say he has seen a lot of problems this year because of the ground ...thanks I'll be thinking of some while mom and I are out house shopping again MORE MORE ...I think it gonna take a while just to find the right one...I told my realtor I am relentless when I want something particular (LIKE MY PAINT) and she said she is to and wants to find us the perfect place .....If ya can think of any questions I might ask please let me know I will right them down I just don't want a lot of people around asking questions or answering them I will just start getting confused it happened again yesterday while I was in Mac's I couldn't think Will was asking me questions and so was the guy over the counter I could not think of what I wanted to order then when I finally said something it came out all screwed up :doh:


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
This seems to be just his left front and Dr Stotts did say he has seen a lot of problems this year because of the ground ...thanks I'll be thinking of some while mom and I are out house shopping again MORE MORE ...I think it gonna take a while just to find the right one...I told my realtor I am relentless when I want something particular (LIKE MY PAINT) and she said she is to and wants to find us the perfect place .....If ya can think of any questions I might ask please let me know I will right them down I just don't want a lot of people around asking questions or answering them I will just start getting confused it happened again yesterday while I was in Mac's I couldn't think Will was asking me questions and so was the guy over the counter I could not think of what I wanted to order then when I finally said something it came out all screwed up :doh:

Dr. Stott is great. Quint came out to my place when Stott was there so he and Stott could talk about what to do with the horse that I had bought home with a horrible hoof abcess.


Leap Of Faith Farm
Hey TC, just wondering...can you put off the trim till after Stotts appointment?Cause Im sure he is gonna give you directives as to how he wants the hoove trimmed.

Ya Percy that might be a good idea..:high5:
Maybe I can get Quint out for Sat also .. I will call him later ..Amira needs a trim tooo That way he can tell a farrier (NOT me) :confused: how he wants them trimmed . my luck I would tell him the wrong thing and poor Rocky would end up with four lame feet :yikes:
THAT would S--CK ..
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Leap Of Faith Farm
:Quote: I also have called the ranch were I got rocky from to see if there are any previous x-rays but again no answer so I am going to e-mail in a minute..

here is the (2) response from the ranch owners:

We never had any lameness issues with him when he was here.

Here is the response from his previous owner when I emailed her today:

"We didn't have any x rays and our vet is Dr. Townsend. I will find out the one before that from Jay."

I will let you know when I find out more from them. Give Rocky a scratch for us!
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Leap Of Faith Farm
:Quote: I also have called the ranch
here is the (2) response from the ranch owners:
We never had any lameness issues with him when he was here.
Here is the response from his previous owner when I emailed her today:
We didn't have any x rays and our vet is Dr. Townsend. I will find out the one before that from Jay."
I will let you know when I find out more from them. Give Rocky a scratch for us!

Here is the (1) response

We never had cause to have a vet to him while he was here, so we've got messages in to his last owners to see who they used. I'd doubt they were ever any x-rays as the horse was completely sound during his time with them (they're friends we've known for years, and good honest people.)

At least the are interested and are trying to help ..


Leap Of Faith Farm
Hey TC...Did Dr Stott come out:whistle:

yup he does not think it is "N" :yahoo: he thinks he has a very bad bruised sole .. he wants a aluminum wedged shoe put on him and rest ..He will come back either right before x-mas or after and take some digital x-rays and see if there is any difference ... Me and another person down the barn are going to use him for now on as our vet..


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
yup he does not think it is "N" :yahoo: he thinks he has a very bad bruised sole .. he wants a aluminum wedged shoe put on him and rest ..He will come back either right before x-mas or after and take some digital x-rays and see if there is any difference ... Me and another person down the barn are going to use him for now on as our vet..
That's great news.. Who are you using as a farrier?