Just watched the right wing Fox and they had Harry Ried and Carl Levin on the ropes.
I guess the Republicans are finally growing a pair and pointing out that way back the Dems were all for it Iraq way back when it made them look patriotic.
Levin said "Well we didn't get the same intel." the Republican House Intelligence committee chairman threw the BS flag and said "To say that they are spoon fed intel is absolutely false. Congress has direct access to the same raw intel, analysts and studies as the White House. Any congressman who says they voted because they did not have the full story did NOT study with the due dilligence they owe their constituents."
They also busted Levin out on a misquote he uses against Bush that is taken horrifically out of context.
While I do not agree totally with Bush on many topics I think it is absolutely VILE and REPUGNANT the bullshiat political antics of the Democrat leadership. I am so glad the Republicans are FINALLY giving them a hot steaming cup of S T F U
I guess the Republicans are finally growing a pair and pointing out that way back the Dems were all for it Iraq way back when it made them look patriotic.
Levin said "Well we didn't get the same intel." the Republican House Intelligence committee chairman threw the BS flag and said "To say that they are spoon fed intel is absolutely false. Congress has direct access to the same raw intel, analysts and studies as the White House. Any congressman who says they voted because they did not have the full story did NOT study with the due dilligence they owe their constituents."
They also busted Levin out on a misquote he uses against Bush that is taken horrifically out of context.
While I do not agree totally with Bush on many topics I think it is absolutely VILE and REPUGNANT the bullshiat political antics of the Democrat leadership. I am so glad the Republicans are FINALLY giving them a hot steaming cup of S T F U