YES! Finally taking to the skeezer Dems


Just watched the right wing Fox and they had Harry Ried and Carl Levin on the ropes.

I guess the Republicans are finally growing a pair and pointing out that way back the Dems were all for it Iraq way back when it made them look patriotic.

Levin said "Well we didn't get the same intel." the Republican House Intelligence committee chairman threw the BS flag and said "To say that they are spoon fed intel is absolutely false. Congress has direct access to the same raw intel, analysts and studies as the White House. Any congressman who says they voted because they did not have the full story did NOT study with the due dilligence they owe their constituents."

They also busted Levin out on a misquote he uses against Bush that is taken horrifically out of context.

While I do not agree totally with Bush on many topics I think it is absolutely VILE and REPUGNANT the bullshiat political antics of the Democrat leadership. I am so glad the Republicans are FINALLY giving them a hot steaming cup of S T F U :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Don't count on the GOP...

...keeping this up for long.

Quick, name the top 5 Republican ranters in office today:

No? How about 3? Maybe 1?

Now, name the top five, or at any rate, the first five off the top of your head on the other side of the aisle.

It is a ####ing crime that he media has helped the Democrats build this lie of lies abotu the war. Harold Ford, TN, non noted Dem ranter has said that the outcome of all this is that the President has lost the benefit of the doubt.

The President of the United States has now lost the benefit of the doubt BECAUSE the Democrats have built a false case, a factual lie, that the President is the liar.

Guess what? That was the goal.

They had/have nothing else. They decided that the war would be the issue, so, it HAS to be of there is no more Democratic party. It HAS to be going worse than supposedly advertised. It HAS to have things that make us look REAL bad to the world; Abu Garaib and the detention centers. It HAS to be on the verge of failure. 2,000 HAS to be an horrific number.

If not, if it is going well, the Dems barked up the wrong tree and look terrible come 2006 mid terms.

Now, notice as of late with the President starting to fight back and my one man effort to get the world to read the IWR, their tone is in the first stage of changing. They can't come into actual election season calling the President a liar. They can't come into the season sounding like raving idiots and they can't come into the season with Wilsons story falling apart and un-answered questions of what they would do.

If the media does not call them on this stuff, it never happened, thus from here on you will start to hear them try and sound like statesmen and leaders instead of freaks.


New Member
Pete said:
Just watched the right wing Fox and they had Harry Ried and Carl Levin on the ropes.

I guess the Republicans are finally growing a pair and pointing out that way back the Dems were all for it Iraq way back when it made them look patriotic.

Levin said "Well we didn't get the same intel." the Republican House Intelligence committee chairman threw the BS flag and said "To say that they are spoon fed intel is absolutely false. Congress has direct access to the same raw intel, analysts and studies as the White House. Any congressman who says they voted because they did not have the full story did NOT study with the due dilligence they owe their constituents."

They also busted Levin out on a misquote he uses against Bush that is taken horrifically out of context.

While I do not agree totally with Bush on many topics I think it is absolutely VILE and REPUGNANT the bullshiat political antics of the Democrat leadership. I am so glad the Republicans are FINALLY giving them a hot steaming cup of S T F U :yay:


CK-1 said:
Give it time, he has not responded to the Dems lies for months now. He just started giving it back.

But you are right. the Democrats have lied and mislead with their accomplice the media and the downward spin is unrecoverable I believe. Bush should have gone ahead and engaged when they first started because now public sentiment has soured because of the Democrat lies.

This is in part why his approval rate has dropped among Republicans. He wussed out and didn't kick back at the Democrat liars right off and tried taking the "high road" with the bunch of repugnant bastards.

BTW do you have national approval numbers for Ried, Kennedy, Kerry?
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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I was listening to Rush the other day - and Jerry Doyle had something *similar* to comment on (I like him; he's more moderate) - that since Veteran's Day, the Dems have turned down the volume on "Bush lied and men died" - because he's finally said in a public forum what we've been saying for him - EVERYONE IN CONGRESS SAW THE SAME DATA *HE* DID _ AND THEY *VOTED* FOR IT.

Read what they all said, in 2002 and 2003 - stuff they said ON THE RECORD - and they were *with* the President on it. Rewriting history my azz - they're just lying. I think the Dems realize, the President is calling their bluff.

Consider the fact that they actually MIGHT be right - that, after seeing the same data the President saw, they cast their votes behind him - and when the war isn't over in two months, they begin hand-wringing and their left-wing constituents begin to hammer them for voting for it - and their charge is, that they WERE DUPED INTO VOTING FOR IT.

That's right. Their claim is, we were *fooled*. Not the American people. Them. The Democratic leadership. They were "fooled" into voting for a war.

By a guy they nicknamed "the chimp".

Now call me crazy, but would YOU vote back into office, someone who's clearly stupider than a "chimp"?

"Please vote for us - we were too stupid to see through their schemes!"

In a pig's eye. Maybe I'll vote for your party. Maybe not. But ain't no way I'm voting for YOU. You claim the guy is stupid - and he's smarter than *YOU*? Just how dumb are you? Not "chimps".


But that ain't what happened. They were presented with all of the intelligence that came to the White House. The ONLY way they could have duped then, was....

They didn't actually READ it.

Now do you want to vote for them?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Pete said:
This is in part why his approval rate has dropped among Republicans. He wussed out and didn't kick back at the Democrat liars right off and tried taking the "high road" with the bunch of repugnant bastards.
Exactly. Republicans aren't giving Bush bad marks because they "see the light" and realize the war was a lie.

They're p!ssed that he hasn't kicked the crap out of them like they richly deserve.


Larry Gude said:
...keeping this up for long.

Quick, name the top 5 Republican ranters in office today:

That's a trick question Larry as you there's only one: John McCain.