Yes, Gropes, you should definitely go after traditional family values


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Mr. Biden’s executive order takes direct aim at so-called conversion therapy, a discredited therapy in which doctors falsely claim to be able to adjust a person’s gender identity or sexual orientation with treatment.
So the "conversion therapy" that the left tried to hang around Mike Pence's neck is bad but allowing children to be treated with puberty blockers and hormones is good?


Well-Known Member
He and his moron Administration filled with Queers and incompetents are freaking crazy. Cross dressers and drag queens in schools, teachers teaching CRT and anal sex and masturbation techniques. WHAT the Fuk is going on. What kind of teacher would teach such crap. What kind of President says he is Catholic and wants infants and fetus killed and incompetent homosexuals in high office because of their race or gender. Democrats are too stupid to remove this demented moron and Republicans haven't got the balls.
If it keeps up it will be taken out of the hands of Government.